July 9, 2008
John McCain's radical tax plan: He voted against Bush's tax cuts, but now, despite a ballooning deficit, he wants to slash taxes even further -- with most of the benefits going to the rich. (Justin Jouvenal, Jul. 09, 2008, Salon)
he centerpiece of his economic plan is a tax-cut proposal more sweeping than anything envisioned by George W. Bush."The choice in this election is stark and simple," McCain said at the Denver town hall. "Senator Obama will raise your taxes. I won't. I will cut them where I can."
But according to a respected, independent group of tax-policy experts, McCain’s plan would balloon the deficit and provide a windfall to the wealthy while affording only nominal relief to middle-class taxpayers. McCain has moved toward the Republican base on a handful of issues this campaign season, but his tax plan might actually shift the erstwhile deficit hawk to the right of the current president.
..and all we have to show for it is the most prosperous quarter century in world history.... Posted by Orrin Judd at July 9, 2008 9:51 AM
You've stumbled into an accidental insight--open immigration is just good economics.
Since the wealthiest Americans pay at least 83% of all taxes, giving us a tax break would invariably include the majority group.
Posted by: Bartman at July 9, 2008 4:39 PM
McCain, somehow, incredibly, beyond-belief, really, seems to have never thought deeply about economic issues until Bush's taxcuts had to be thoughtfully weighed and measured for this election cycle.
He's doing a good job of edging away from the Galbraith brights on taxes, it's a start.
He's still with OJ and the brights on the need for continued immigration with no-need-for-security-of-any-kind-whatsoever-and-if-you-think-we-need-security-you-are-a-racist. That, too, is an economic issue. But one good terrorist attack tied to border security and he'll probably set off in the right direction on that topic as well.
A presidential election between two senators who have never ever run anything in their whole damned lives is really just a game of shadows anyway.
Posted by: Palmcroft at July 9, 2008 2:35 PM