July 17, 2008
The Humor Deficit (Howard Kurtz, 7/17/08, Washington Post)
Barack Obama has committed the unpardonable sin of not giving us anything to laugh at.I mean, what's with that guy? How dare he not serve as an object of our amusement?
Apparently, comics are treading lightly when it comes to St. Barack. There's a bit of racial sensitivity, for one thing. And the senator is not an easy target. He's eloquent, knows how to spell potato, doesn't toss around such phrases as "dead or alive" and is a strong family man. What exactly do you make fun of?
...and not been bothered by the idea of Kitty being raped and killed, but even he knew there were 50 states. Senator Obama is a target rich environment--with every unscripted appearance serving up more canon fodder. The Left is just too afraid to fire. Posted by Orrin Judd at July 17, 2008 10:15 AM
The awesome part is that by refusing to make fun of (and thereby humanize) him, they're actually hurting him. Now that's funny!
Posted by: b at July 17, 2008 11:57 AMWhat to make fun of?
How about the 7 of Obama's 57 states that McCain conceded before the campaigns even began? I think it's hilarious that McCain who was a Vietnam POW is in fact such a wuss: concede without a fight.
Posted by: ic at July 17, 2008 12:13 PMJib&Jab made a YouTube video of Mr. Change riding a unicorn. It's a hoot.
Posted by: Gideon7 at July 17, 2008 1:55 PMBarack Obama was in New Hampshire Sunday. When informed of this, President Bush excitedly asked, ‘Did we catch ‘em?’
ooops.. that one's on Bush. Sorry I'll have to do some more research.
Posted by: h-man at July 17, 2008 2:38 PM"Mr. Change" -- sounds like name of a secondary villain in the fourth sequel of some crummy Hollywood comic-book movie adaption. How 'bout we make that "The Change Master" instead?
Ah yes, the strong family man who shrugs at aborting his grandchildren.
Posted by: Jim in Chicago at July 17, 2008 11:20 AM