April 23, 2008
Nancy Hearts Hugo (Matthew Continetti, 4/23/2008, The Weekly Standard)
A war-torn country with a democratically elected government, plagued by militias, terrorists, and drugs--but one that is steadily making progress against all these evils--wants to strengthen its ties to the United States. The Bush administration acts to help this ally. What does the Democratic Congress do? It changes the rules so that the Colombia Free Trade Agreement (CFTA), negotiated in good faith between the two governments and inked in 2006, can't come to a vote.Memo to Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chávez: Send flowers to the office of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
It is Chávez who profits most from the CFTA's demise. For years now, he's been locked in a struggle with Colombian president lvaro Uribe over the future of South America. Chávez wants that future to be socialist, authoritarian, friendly to other dictators, and belligerent toward the United States. Uribe wants it to be market-oriented, democratic, and integrated into an international system friendly to freedom and organized and led by the United States. The two visions could not be more different.
...that when Nancy Pelosi, Chris Dodd, Tom Harkin, and the rest of them wake up in a sweat at night they find themselves shrieking "Hassenfuss!" Posted by Orrin Judd at April 23, 2008 10:23 AM
Then they turn to the East (or the South) and chant "Che, Che, Che" for about 15 minutes to calm themselves down.
Posted by: ratbert at April 23, 2008 2:48 PM