March 17, 2008


Gov. Paterson admits to sex with other woman for years (Juan Gonzalez, March 17th 2008, NY Daily News)

The thunderous applause was still ringing in his ears when the state's new governor, David Paterson, told the Daily News that he and his wife had extramarital affairs.

In a stunning revelation, both Paterson, 53, and his wife, Michelle, 46, acknowledged in a joint interview they each had intimate relationships with others during a rocky period in their marriage several years ago.

In the course of several interviews in the past few days, Paterson said he maintained a relationship for two or three years with "a woman other than my wife," beginning in 1999.

As part of that relationship, Paterson said, he and the other woman sometimes stayed at an upper West Side hotel — the Days Inn at Broadway and W. 94th St.

Shouldn't it be "Hours"?

Posted by Orrin Judd at March 17, 2008 10:29 PM

Boy, what is it with these guys whose wives are named Michelle?

Posted by: pibill at March 18, 2008 6:45 AM

What is it with governors of no particular party affiliation?

Posted by: Mike Morley at March 18, 2008 7:33 AM