February 26, 2008


Tide of cheer as mullahs are ousted (Isambard Wilkinson, 26/02/2008, Daily Telegraph)

A tide of cheer has greeted the end of the five-year rule of an alliance of religious parties that did little apart from ban music and dancing. [...]

"We will change every MMA policy on culture. Everything is open. All those edicts will be changed," said Zahid Khan, the spokesman for the Awami National Party (ANP), the Pushtun nationalist party that won the most votes.

Ghulam Ahmed Bilour, an ANP leader, said dancing and singing had broken out as election results came in.

"We Pushtuns love religion but we are not puritanical", he said. He added a mullah had asked him to stop the dancing. "I replied, 'We are Muslims and Pushtuns but we are not mullahs'."

Posted by Orrin Judd at February 26, 2008 6:35 AM
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