February 19, 2008


Clinton's struggle vexes feminists (Susan Milligan, 2/19/08, The Boston Globe)

As Hillary Clinton struggles to regain her momentum in the presidential race, frustrated feminists are looking at what they see as the ultimate glass ceiling: A female candidate with a hyper-substantive career is now threatened with losing the nomination to a man whose charismatic style and powerful rhetoric are trumping her decades of experience. [...]

Martha Burk, chairwoman of the National Council of Women's Organizations, said the senator from New York is being hurt because she is not the "glamour" candidate.

"She characterizes herself as being a workhorse and not a show horse," said Burk, who has endorsed Clinton. "She is being punished in a certain way for being competent and not jazzy. If he were female, with his credentials, age, and track record, I don't think he'd be anywhere near the presidency of the United States," Burk said.

Many feminist leaders were careful to say that they do not think Clinton lacks the ability to connect with voters or that Senator Barack Obama is without substance.

If either were a white male they'd be Mike Gravel.

Posted by Orrin Judd at February 19, 2008 10:13 AM

"A female candidate with a hyper-substantive career"

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Seriously, Ms. Milligan, you're killing me! I haven't had as good a laugh in ages...

Posted by: b at February 19, 2008 12:31 PM

Bitch, bitch, bitch.

Posted by: Luciferous at February 19, 2008 12:40 PM

The spectacle of feminist support for the Clintons just never loses its humor value. What are a few interns and the odd Tammy Wynette reference between, ahem, friends, anyway? And it's not like anybody seriously believes Obama is *less* in favor of baby-killing than Hillary.

Posted by: Random Lawyer at February 19, 2008 1:08 PM

"[...]"her decades of experience[...]"
I'm plagerizing here, but: "so does the white house Pastry Chef."

Posted by: Genecis at February 19, 2008 1:15 PM

Hillary has lots of experience.....whining to the touchy-feely press.

Of course, she was on the board of Wal-Mart. I wonder if that entitled her to a discount?

Posted by: ratbert at February 19, 2008 2:34 PM

"If he were female, with his credentials, age, and track record, I don't think he'd be anywhere near the presidency of the United States," Burk said.

True. But although I'm in the minority, I don't see Obama being any more qualifed as a man.

What's really absurd is that this 'experience' quote is being said in defense of Hilary Clinton who obviously wants it both ways.

If she was a man, how would her 'experience' stack up against Biden, Dodd or Richardson? One of the three who should be president.

Posted by: Disgusted Dem at February 19, 2008 9:17 PM