September 5, 2007


Clash Of Evils (ADAM KIRSCH, September 5, 2007, NY Sun)

"No Simple Victory" (Viking, 490 pages, $30), Mr. Davies's new book, is the latest installment in his project of illusion-demolition. This is a revisionist history of World War II, designed to shake the complacency of British and American readers who are accustomed to thinking of it as "the good war." It is not that Mr. Davies has uncovered any important new facts, or even launched any shocking reinterpretations. His purpose, rather, is to remind the world of two truths that, while well-established, he believes are not sufficiently reckoned with.

The first is that, in military terms, World War II in Europe was predominantly a war between Germany and the Soviet Union; the contributions of Britain and America, while crucial, were not of the same order. The second is that, when Nazism and Communism fought over control of Eastern Europe, there was little moral difference between them. The Soviet Union was one of the Allies, but it had less in common with Anglo-American democracy than it did with Nazi tyranny. [...]

Mr. Davies's second major contention is that Nazi barbarism, which the world is accustomed to hearing about, must be set alongside the Stalinist barbarism that Allied propaganda assiduously concealed. "All sound moral judgments," he writes, "operate on the basis that the standards applied to one side of a relationship must be applied to all sides. It is not acceptable that certain acts by an ill-favored party be condemned as Â'foul murder' if similar acts by a more favored party be somehow excused or overlooked."

It follows that Mr. Davies argues against what he calls the "Allied Scheme of History," which portrays the alliance of the Soviets and the Anglo-Americans as a unified "anti-Fascist" struggle. Americans, especially, are inclined to this view, since our memory of World War II usually begins at Pearl Harbor, six months after Hitler invaded Russia and turned the Soviet Union into an enemy. But as Mr. Davies reminds us, the first act of the war was the joint invasion of Poland by Hitler and Stalin, and for two years thereafter, the totalitarian dictators worked in tandem to achieve their goals. Early in 1940, in fact, Britain and France considered sending an expeditionary force to Finland to fight the Soviet invasion.

After Operation Barbarossa Â-- the code name for the German invasion of Russia Â-- the Soviet Union officially became one of the Allies. But the evil of Stalin's regime, while it was decently forgotten in the West, did not diminish in wartime. On the contrary, the Red Army was in some ways the natural culmination of the communist experiment, which had already militarized society and treated human lives as means to an end.

After Stalin's own incompetence prevented the Red Army from anticipating the German invasion, the Soviet Union could only compensate for huge initial losses by treating its soldiers as cannon fodder, overwhelming the Germans with sheer numbers. Soviet commanders wasted lives in a way that no American general would even have considered. It was necessary to deploy "blocking regiments" behind the front lines, expressly tasked with shooting any comrade who tried to retreat.

Worse, because totally irrational, the Soviet state continued to destroy its own people even when the war was at its height. During the first year of the invasion, the Red Army issued 800,000 death sentences to its own soldiers. Every unit had its commissar, who had to countersign all military orders, and who could condemn anyone to death for an impolitic word. No wonder that, as Mr. Davies writes, "the front-line zone of maximum physical danger" became for the Red Army troops "a zone of psychological liberation, even of gay abandon, which no doubt contributed to the willingness of the Â'Ivans' to rush to their deaths with a hurrah on their lips."

For Iraq to be as tragic a loss as WWII was we'd basically have to willingly turn it over to Syria, along with the rest of the Middle East (especially Israel), half of Africa, etc.

Posted by Orrin Judd at September 5, 2007 7:33 AM

One of these days you are going to make my head explode with these comments. WW2 was not a "tragic loss" it was an incomplete victory. To qualify as a loss, the US would have to have been turned into a Nazi or Soviet state.

Posted by: Brandon at September 5, 2007 11:34 AM

Mr. Davies has immersed himself in Polish history, which inevitably leads him to certain conclusions that most Western historians (let alone the Western public) will be unable or unwilling to comprehend or sympathize with.

Posted by: b at September 5, 2007 11:42 AM

If the United States and Britain had stayed out of WWII, the Soviet Union would have gotten all of Europe.

Posted by: Joseph Hertzlinger at September 5, 2007 12:09 PM

Life and Fate by Vassily Grossman, a novel, written in a factual context by a former Red Army Reporter in jeopardy of his life, describes how vile the entire Soviet enterprise was from beginning to end. Literally a hell on earth in which to live.

Recommended by OJ a few months ago, I found it one of the best written and moving novels I've ever read. Warning, not to be read if in a, even mildly, depressive state of mind.

Posted by: Genecis at September 5, 2007 12:10 PM


So you believe Communism works?

Posted by: oj at September 5, 2007 2:56 PM

Indeed, the 60s and 70s demonstrate dispositively that the US lost. We retrieved our country by ending the war.

Posted by: oj at September 5, 2007 2:59 PM

Of course communism doesn't work! However, without our intervention in WWII the only thing stopping the Red Army's westward march would have been the Atlantic Ocean.

Posted by: Dave W at September 5, 2007 3:47 PM

And under what military theory of occupation would they have been able to take and maintain control of the entire continent? Mind how many Russians they had to murder just to get them to defend themselves? How many more would they have to kill to get them to march to Gibraltar and how many does that leave to govern and police?

The notion that the Nazis or Communists were an existential threat to Europe stokes our egos, but is risible.

Posted by: oj at September 5, 2007 5:11 PM

...the 60s and 70s demonstrate dispositively that the US lost.

Did I somehow miss the Soviet occupation during my youth? Or does implementation of welfare policies now equal communism?

Posted by: Brandon at September 5, 2007 5:19 PM

OJ has the strange idea that because Communism and Fascism (and Al-Qaedaism) don't work in the long run, they can't be "existential threats." This is like arguing that psychotic junkie muggers aren't really a danger, because their health problems will take them down sooner or later, or that serial killers aren't a concern, because they can't kill everybody. As to the carnage they can cause, though, he's oddly blind. And it's a strange attitude coming from someone who regularly criticizes "realists."

Posted by: PapayaSF at September 5, 2007 6:54 PM

Exactly. The press always acts like a serial killer is going to wipe out mankind, but they're actually discrete and easily controlled nuisances.

Posted by: oj at September 5, 2007 7:08 PM

Roe killed more than Stalin and Hitler combined.

Posted by: oj at September 5, 2007 7:11 PM

The Germans very nearly pulled it off in the Fall of '41. Only Hitler's decision to divert Guderian's Panzer Army to help complete the perimter around the Kiev pocket prevented Army Group Center from taking Moscow by October. Russia's triumph over Germany was not inevitable. Indeed a large part of the credit goes to Richard Sorge, the Russian spy, who informed Stalin that Japan had no intention of invading to help it's Axis partners. This allowed Stalin to withdraw large numbers of infantry from the East who turned up in the nick of time to thwart Typhoon at the gates of Moscow. If Sorge hadn't existed, Moscow would have fallen in Dec of '41.

Posted by: Pete at September 5, 2007 7:47 PM

And thereby shortened the war. The Germans couldn't even take all of France or any or Britain and Iberia. Trying to maintain control of Russia would have ruined them.

Posted by: oj at September 5, 2007 11:04 PM

Roe killed more than Stalin and Hitler combined.

Oh, I see, bbortion = communism. And Roe v Wade wouldn't have happened if we had just dropped atom bombs on Russia. Makes perfect sense now.

Posted by: Brandon at September 6, 2007 10:46 AM

The Right traded the Left the Welfare State for the Cold War. A disaster for the planet.

Posted by: oj at September 6, 2007 2:35 PM