June 6, 2007
Nagin joins the usual suspects as possible successors to Jefferson (Aaron Blake, June 06, 2007, The Hill)
Many of the same names who challenged Rep. William Jefferson (D-La.) in the 2006 midterm elections are expected to run for his seat again should he resign or be forced from Congress in the coming months, with the possible notable additions of New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin (D) and Jefferson’s daughter. [...]The hottest name in local political circles, however, is Nagin, who narrowly won reelection to his current post in the months after Hurricane Katrina. Recent polls show Nagin’s popularity at just over 30 percent, but he would bring a sizeable campaign fund and name recognition to the race.
The buzz in recent days has been that Nagin would run for governor, as Democrats do not have a competitive opponent for the Republican nominee, Rep. Bobby Jindal (La.), this year. But observers say Nagin long has eyed Washington, and they see the House as a better fit for him than a long-shot gubernatorial candidacy against the popular Jindal.
“He saw getting reelected mayor of New Orleans as a kind of vindication — it was like saying, ‘It wasn’t your fault, Ray,’” a political science professor at the University of Louisiana-Lafayette, Pearson Cross, said. “He would immediately, I think, be the favorite for that seat.”
In a statement, Nagin spokesman Ceeon Quiett did not address a possible congressional run, instead focusing on Nagin’s work as mayor to rebuild the city.
“Rumors and speculation of any kind detract from this mission of recovery,” Quiett said. “It is important that we all work together for the recovery of this great city and region.”
How many blacks do you have to drown before they riot against you and the party that kept them in ghetto poverty below sea level? Posted by Orrin Judd at June 6, 2007 8:48 AM
How many blacks do you have to drown before they riot against you and the party that kept them in ghetto poverty below sea level?
One, if you were a Republican.
You can drown as many as you like and will be re-elected if you were a black Democrat. The "quiet riots" will turn noisy against that Republican white guy in the White House.
Posted by: ic at June 6, 2007 1:10 PM