June 30, 2007
YES may join Yanks in the tank (Bob Raissman, June 29th 2007, NY Daily News)
The Yankees Entertainment & Sports Network is officially in uncharted waters. For the first time since the network debuted five years ago, the Bombers' ship is sinking.If the losing continues, will viewers bail? And if they do, and Yankees ratings on YES plummet, will advertisers jump ship, too? And will this all lead to a revenue drop, the kind of dough that allows the Bombers to have a $200 million payroll?
In the midst of the most recent Yankees funk these questions are hardly hypothetical. Over at YES headquarters - the Chrysler Building Think Tank - the powers that be have to be pondering, for the first time, a very uncertain Yankees future.
For starters, if the team does not make the playoffs, what's going to happen next season? What the heck will team look like next season?
The future can wait. Especially when everyone in Yankeeland is choking on the present.
Having less money to squander would actually help the rebuilding process. Posted by Orrin Judd at June 30, 2007 12:00 AM
YES deserves to tank. All they bloody show, besides the games and the pre and post shows, is fat Michael Kay blabbering on his interview show, unwatchable "Yankeeographies," and some show about Yankee fans following the team on the road.
Hey YES, how bout taking a cue from the vastly superior NESN and airing some minor league baseball. Staten Island, Trenton, and Scranton are close to the Bronx, and Tampa play at Yankee headquarters. How bout letting the fans see Joba, Betances, Kennedy, and Tabata?
Who cares if reruns of Kay's shows have a bigger audience than minor league ball. They should be building an audience for future Bronx stars. It's called a loss leader.
Posted by: Jim in Chicago at June 30, 2007 12:28 PM