June 14, 2007
Justice Dept. Reshapes Its Civil Rights Mission (NEIL A. LEWIS, 6/14/07, NY Times)
In recent years, the Bush administration has recast the federal government’s role in civil rights by aggressively pursuing religion-oriented cases while significantly diminishing its involvement in the traditional area of race.Posted by Orrin Judd at June 14, 2007 12:00 AMParalleling concerns of many conservative groups, the Justice Department has successfully argued in a number of cases that government agencies, employers or private organizations have improperly suppressed religious expression in situations that the Constitution’s drafters did not mean to restrict.
The shift at the Justice Department has significantly altered the government’s civil rights mission, said Brian K. Landsberg, a law professor at the University of the Pacific and a former Justice Department lawyer under both Republican and Democratic administrations.
“Not until recently has anyone in the department considered religious discrimination such a high priority,” Professor Landsberg said. “No one had ever considered it to be of the same magnitude as race or national origin.”
That's the ticket: build up our machine, tear down theirs.
The concept of operations is to take the mechanisms, even the language, the other team has been using, and recast it for our agenda.
Our side did not think this tactic up. Just consider how the queer lobby has endeavored to hijack the language of racial issues.
Posted by: Lou Gots at June 14, 2007 10:54 AM