June 21, 2007


2,300 schools face 'No Child' overhaul (NANCY ZUCKERBROD, 6/20/07, AP)

The scarlet letter in education these days is an "R." It stands for restructuring — the purgatory that schools are pushed into if they fail to meet testing goals for six straight years under the No Child Left Behind law.

Nationwide, about 2,300 schools are either in restructuring or are a year away and planning for such drastic action as firing the principal and moving many of the teachers, according to a database provided to The Associated Press by the Education Department. Those schools are being warily eyed by educators elsewhere as the law's consequences begin to hit home. [...]

Test scores for students with disabilities, for immigrants, poor children and minorities must be separated out under the law. But if one group fails to hit testing benchmarks at a school — like last year at Long Branch — the whole school gets a failing grade. [...]

It was around 2 p.m, shortly before the school day was to end, and a time when elementary-age students might typically be playing tag, working on craft projects or just easing into the end of the academic day.

But at Arrowhead, a school in the restructuring planning stage, math worksheets were on the desks, kids were sounding out vowels and special-ed teachers were working with small groups of children.

Superintendent Deasy acknowledges the atmosphere at Arrowhead is more intense than at schools that aren't facing restructuring. He said lessons at schools missing testing goals have to be very targeted, and he says there often isn't time for electives and free play like at other schools.

Critics of the law complain about such constraints. But Deasy said Arrowhead's test scores are heading in the right direction, precisely because students are on task and teachers are talking about instruction rather than cafeteria menus or bus schedules.

Said Principal Anthony: "There's a new level of urgency about the work we have to do for students."

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 21, 2007 6:53 AM

Gosh, the students are doing math rather than busywork! THE HORROR!!!

And yes, Principal Anthony, it is difficult being held accountable for your performance. Almost every job has the same expectation of progress; if teaching were as important as its employees keep saying it is, perhaps it can withstand the scrutiny given most other workers.

Or perhaps not.

Posted by: John Barrett Jr. at June 21, 2007 7:25 AM

Again, the idea has merit as a concept, but is still failing in execution.

Here in Illinois, the FEDs capitulated and allowed the state to a) dumb down their tests, b) drop 1000s from the dumbed down results.

After all that scores climbed enough to allow 100s of schools that should be shuttered into claiming NCLB victory.

If you REALLY want to reform Education, your state should do this.

Posted by: Bruno at June 21, 2007 7:37 AM

Succeeding in execution, failing in comprehensibility to the Stupid Party.

Posted by: oj at June 21, 2007 5:41 PM