June 17, 2007


Once a victim, always a victim, child study shows (Jonathan Owen, 17 June 2007, Independent)

Children who suffer assaults or other crimes are likely to become serial victims, according to new research, with 59 per cent becoming victims once more within the next year. The study, which tracked 1,500 children between the ages of two and 17 for two years, found that exposure to one type of crime increases the risk of becoming a victim of all others.

Children who had suffered sexual abuse were seven times more likely to be attacked again within the next year compared to those who had not been sexually abused.

The results indicate that children who are victims become less able to protect themselves, according to Professor David Finkelhor, the lead author of the study and director of the Crimes Against Children Research Centre at the University of New Hampshire.

"Some of the kids are affected psychologically by the victimisation," he said. "They get depressed, discouraged, feel powerless and have symptoms that cloud their thinking and their judgment."

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 17, 2007 7:31 AM

There's a joke about Sawx fans in there somewhere . . .

Posted by: Jim in Chicago at June 17, 2007 9:30 AM

A post like this wouldn't be complete with a reminder that our public schools are designed so that every child is a "victim" of something, and that they are made aware of it.

Their environment is being molested by capitalism (global warming), their gentle psychies (sp?) are being bludgeoned by red marks on their papers, the weakest are victims of bullies, and the bullies are victims of bad parenting.

And chances are your wives would think this post of mine is nuts as they deliver your kids to these churches of "victim creation" 180 days a year, 5 days a week, 8 hours a day - all while browbeating your neighbors into voting "yes" on increasing the mandatory "tithe" for said churches.

But hey, things are just peachy for patio man in sprinkler city!!

Posted by: Bruno at June 17, 2007 8:16 PM