June 9, 2007


The gentlemen's club for the rich and famous that worships a 1980s Page 3 girl (SHARON CHURCHER in New York and ALAN RIMMER in London, 9th June 2007, Daily Mail)

A former British topless model has become the extraordinary obsession of members of America’s most illustrious and secretive men's club, which is trying to track her down in time for its 100th anniversary party next month.

The Bohemian Grove Club holds an annual summer camp at which members, who include Henry Kissinger, former President George Bush Senior, Clint Eastwood and Bob Weir, founder member of Sixties rock band the Grateful Dead, debate world politics, perform weird mock Druid ceremonies – and, it turns out, ogle a poster of a blonde in a thong. [...]

Sian said: "I'm flattered to be in the hearts and minds of such important people but my modelling career is in the past now. And, since they are so secretive, how do I know if this will be a nice gentlemen’s dinner or men leaping around doing weird and distasteful things in a forest?"

The £5,000-a-year club's strict code bans its 2,300 members from discussing its activities but, speaking on condition of anonymity, the 25 members leading the hunt for Sian assured us that their intentions were honourable.

One of them, a California financier, said: "The poster hangs on the outside wall of a cabin in an area of the camp called Skidoo and has become rather famous throughout the club because of the artistic photography and the beauty of the subject.

"This summer will be the 100th anniversary, so we thought a black-tie dinner honouring her would be a nice thing to do.

"We would like to read out a message from her, maybe something along the lines of Miss Adey-Jones saying, "I am glad I could improve on your ambience."

"And we'd like a current snapshot, which we'll show alongside the poster. We just want to do something nice for a woman who has meant so much to us."

Though the poster has been displayed at the camp for 27 years, the members had no idea of Sian's identity and asked California internet expert Raymond Lopez to help.

He said: "Someone thought she was the former British model Caroline Cossey, who was a Bond girl in For Your Eyes Only.

That would have been fascinating because Caroline is a transsexual who was born a boy but when I found her in Atlanta, where she now lives, she said, "I hate to disappoint you but it's Sian Adey-Jones."

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 9, 2007 6:06 PM

Bohemian Grove is a big deal for conspiracy wingnuts. Alex Jones - pretty much the king of the conspiracy wingnuts - used to try and sneak in there once every couple of years or so. This was before 911, mind you, so I figure he's got bigger things to waste his life on these days.
Personally, I like David Ickes' whole "Shapeshifting Lizards (and Jews) Run the World!" thing better. It's just so off-the-weirdness-scale and he's so sincere about it, I can't look away.
In any event, there's not much more fun to be had on the Internet than watching two conspiracy wingnuts juke it out in some forum. It's like watching Marxists fight!

Posted by: Bryan at June 9, 2007 7:38 PM

Oh so true! They all ignore the fact that the "biggies" at The Grove are almost all invited guests, not members of The Bohemian Club.
My business partner in the mid-80's was invited to join the Bohemian Club, all he had to do was write, produce and direct a stage play/musical using club members for the cast.
Since he was a virtual genius at almost everything, it was a superb musical (not original) comedy (very original).

Posted by: Mike at June 9, 2007 9:15 PM

These has to be spoof.

Posted by: erp at June 11, 2007 9:15 AM