June 29, 2007
Nigerian refugee becomes first black mayor in Ireland (SHAWN POGATCHNIK, 6/29/07, The Associated Press)
Ireland elected its first black mayor Thursday, the latest sign of how rapidly immigration is changing this once all-white nation.Posted by Orrin Judd at June 29, 2007 9:35 AMRotimi Adebari, a Nigerian who arrived in Ireland seven years ago as an asylum-seeker, was elected unopposed to lead the council of Portlaoise, a bustling commuter town west of Dublin. [...]
Little more than a decade ago, a black person in Ireland risked being gawked at, so rare was the sight of visitors from different racial backgrounds. But Ireland has absorbed more than 30,000 asylum seekers – particularly from Nigeria – since the mid-1990s, a wave attracted by Ireland’s booming economy and its relatively lax immigration rules.
These days, West African entrepreneurs run stretches of shops in urban Dublin and other Irish towns and cities, and social activists like Adebari are encouraging the newcomers to integrate into their communities.
I wonder if his fundraising letters said that if you give him your bank account number you can have 60,000 million dollars from a secret bank account from the Nigerian Ministry of Mining?
Posted by: pchuck at June 30, 2007 7:40 AM