June 7, 2007


He Came, He Saw, He Humbled (DANIEL JOHNSON, June 7, 2007, NY Sun)

He came, he saw, he humbled himself. Never before has the president of America gone out of his way to pay tribute to a gathering of dissidents. The most powerful man on earth acknowledged that these otherwise powerless individuals from five continents possess what he rightly called "an even greater power — the power of conscience."

What had brought President Bush to make this pilgrimage to Prague, en route to the G-8 summit? The answer echoed through the noble vision outlined in his speech — a speech that several seasoned observers of presidential oratory who attended the conference judged to be among the best that Mr. Bush has ever given.

This man, beset by his foes and abandoned by friends, still cares passionately about the love of liberty that inspires men and women to extraordinary self-sacrifice, even if the vision he set out in his second inaugural speech is as far from reality as ever. At one point, he made a wry reference to his own isolation, both among the leaders of the free world, and even within his own administration. Former chairman of the defense policy board advisory committee to George W. Bush, Richard Perle, had earlier reminded us that the president was "coming here to meet with his fellow dissidents." "If standing up for liberty makes me a dissident," Mr. Bush said, "I wear that title with pride."

To his Left they don't think Muslims can live in a republic of liberty and to his Right they think the Mexicans will ruin ours. He, like Ronald Reagan before him, has the high ground.

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 7, 2007 8:01 PM

What good is it to have the have the high ground and just sit on it? Reagan used his position to much better advantage. How about this. Let's stop futzing around and just annex Mexico, rather than see our rule of law ignored and/or suspended in the name of freedom, not liberty, because liberty must be ordered. As to Iraq, we should remain to protect the nascent state from external threats and let the Iraqis decide how much liberty they want and how much blood they are willing to spill to get it.

Posted by: Ed Bush at June 7, 2007 10:25 PM

No, he didn't. Reagan used it almost identically, though he passed his amnesty and he' have met with the Iranian leaders personally by now.

Posted by: oj at June 7, 2007 11:38 PM

Reagan raised Taxs once too so I guess every time Kennedy wants to raise taxs we need to take the "high road" like Reagan.

Posted by: Brian at June 8, 2007 6:17 AM

No, Reagan raised them several times. He was a pragmatist.

Posted by: oj at June 8, 2007 7:49 AM

We've got to get these Euro-centric sissies and global elitists like Bush out of power. That's what Scooter said anyway.

Posted by: LastRealAmerican at June 8, 2007 9:00 AM

Reagan was an actor; and a bad one at that.

Posted by: gupta at June 8, 2007 12:31 PM
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