June 14, 2007
Lantos Raps Former European Leaders (HARRY DUNPHY, 6/13/07, Associated Press)
"I am so glad that the era of Jacques Chirac and Chancellor Schroeder in Germany is now gone," Lantos said to applause.He said when the United States asked Schroeder to support its decision to go to war in Iraq "he told us where to go."
"I referred to him as a political prostitute, now that he's taking big checks from (Russian President Vladimir) Putin. But the sex workers in my district objected, so I will no longer use that phrase," Lantos said. [...]
He said under the successors of Schroeder and Chirac, Angela Merkel in Germany and Nicolas Sarkozy in France, relations with the United States "will take a very positive turn"
...to speak that honestly while he was in Syria, one of the enemies we haven't regime-changed yet. Posted by Orrin Judd at June 14, 2007 12:12 PM
He said when the United States asked Schroeder to support its decision to go to war in Iraq ...
"I referred to him as a political prostitute,..."
Apparently, he was mad at Schroeder for not supporting us in Iraq.
What should we call a holocaust survivor who, with his party leader, paid homage to the Syrian holocaust denier in order to undercut the President who was struggling in the war in Iraq?
At least Schroeder objected before 3000 American servicemen sacrificed their lives. For whatever reason Schroeder tried to prevent a war. And Lantos tried to snatch an American defeat for his own party's political gain.
He is more despicable than both Schroeder and Chirac. I am sure the sex workers in his district would object to incuding him in their fold.