June 22, 2007


Hillary's tone-deaf campaign: A Celine Dion theme song? Written for Air Canada? (Rosa Brooks, June 22, 2007, LA Times)

[I]n case you missed this major national event, the winning song was "You and I," by Celine Dion.

Clinton staffers have declared the "pick our theme song" contest a resounding success. And who knows what her wacky campaign will do next? Maybe Clinton will soon have YouTube viewers select her campaign's strategy for ending Iraq's civil war or reducing greenhouse gases. If she's going to base her decisions on the lowest common denominator, Clinton could just eliminate her cadre of overcompensated consultants and pollsters and go straight to YouTube for all her policy needs.

And Celine Dion really is the lowest common denominator. If the SAT's analogies section tested politics and pop culture, even the dimmest teenager would agree that "Hillary Clinton: Politics = Celine Dion: Music." Both Clinton and Dion have enjoyed astounding career success. Both showed early talent but are now widely accused of being sellouts. Dion's interesting, edgy early songs were replaced, during her bid for superstardom, by trite and formulaic crowd pleasers; Clinton's interesting, edgy early policy positions were replaced, during her bid for elected office, by trite and formulaic crowd pleasers.

Selecting "You and I" may ultimately come to seem like a Clinton campaign blunder. For one thing, Dion's name summons up, unbidden, thoughts of other major Dion hits, such as the "Titanic" theme song and the title track from Disney's "Beauty and the Beast." Neither suggests helpful associations.

In any case, "You and I" is not exactly in its first run as a theme song. It has already been used by Air Canada. Not just "used": Air Canada commissioned the song, and the airline's advertising consultant wrote the lyrics. (Art at its purest, it ain't.) This isn't the first time a presidential campaign has relied on a song that's basically an advertising jingle, but I think it's the first time a campaign has relied on someone else's advertising jingle.

That the "someone else" is a foreign country's national airline doesn't help. The Canadian-born Dion released "You and I" at an Air Canada event in October 2004. "Wearing a stylish new Air Canada uniform," an Air Canada news release gushed, Dion sang with "a chorus of Air Canada employees," telling the admiring crowd, "[It's] an honor … to promote Air Canada and this great country around the world…. We are all ambassadors for Canada." Oy.

...she'd have chosen "We Care a Lot" by Faith No More and engaged in some salutary self-mockery.

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 22, 2007 9:08 AM

There were other, better choices:

"Folk Song Army" by Tom Lehrer would've captured the candidate's condescending sense of moral superiority and tapped in to Baby Boomer 60s nostalgia: "We are the Folk Song Army/every one of us cares/we all hate poverty war and injustice/unlike the rest of you squares."

"Mambo #5" by Lou Bega would've reminded us of all that was truly memorable about the first Clinton regime.

Posted by: Mike Morley at June 22, 2007 10:06 AM

Celine Dion ever made songs that were "edgy"? Ever?

Posted by: Twn at June 22, 2007 10:52 AM

Joy Division: "Love will Tear Us Apart"

Posted by: Mikey [TypeKey Profile Page] at June 22, 2007 11:41 AM

Remember when "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow" was Clinton's '92 campaign song? What is it with those two and terrible taste in music?

Posted by: Bryan at June 22, 2007 12:49 PM

Song writing: a job Americans won't do.

Posted by: Bob at June 22, 2007 1:44 PM

How did Hilary get promoted to The Left?

Posted by: David McCullough at June 22, 2007 2:37 PM