June 1, 2007


Bush kills off hopes for G8 climate change plan (Julian Borger, David Adam and Suzanne Goldenberg, June 1, 2007, The Guardian)

George Bush yesterday threw international efforts to control climate change into confusion with a proposal to create a "new global framework" to curb greenhouse gas emissions as an alternative to a planned UN process.

The proposal came less than a week before a G8 summit in Germany and appeared to hit European hopes that the world's industrialised nations would commit to halving their emissions by 2050.

A UN-brokered meeting in Bali in December, at which it had been hoped to agree to keep climate change to a 2C increase in temperature, is supposed to provide a successor to the Kyoto protocol. All that was thrown in doubt by the initiative announced yesterday by President Bush.

"By the end of next year, America and other nations will set a long-term global goal for reducing greenhouse gases. To help develop this goal, the United States would convene a series of meetings of nations that produced most greenhouse gas emissions, including nations with rapidly growing economies like India and China," Mr Bush said.

David will always beat Goliath.

Posted by Orrin Judd at June 1, 2007 4:52 PM

"However, Bernd Pfaffenbach, the chief German negotiator or "sherpa" on climate change was blunter. He told the Suddeutschen Zeitung newspaper that excluding the UN or weakening its role was a "red line" that Ms Merkel "will never cross"."

Cool. And a bunch of UN Tranzis hobbling the US economy to their ends, while ignoring China UTTERLY (now the #1 polluter, surpassing the US) is our "red line" that we will never cross.

So, that's that, then, I guess.


Posted by: Andrew X at June 1, 2007 6:01 PM

Number of David's aircraft carriers*: 12

Number of Goliath's: 0

Question: What is it that talks, and what is it
that walks?
*Real, full-size, CV/CVN's

Posted by: Lou Gots at June 1, 2007 6:13 PM

When the sunspots and solar storms finally settle down, Al Gore and the Kyoto crowd will say: See, I was was right again; our actions solved the problems of global warming. Now will someone please turn up the heat.

Posted by: Genecis at June 2, 2007 10:22 AM

It strikes me, that as long as we are going to go on with this charade, negotiations should be with
nations or regions of equal dimension, Europe with
the US; Russia, S. Asia, et al; otherwise its just
apples and oranges

Posted by: narciso at June 2, 2007 12:36 PM