June 10, 2007
Democrats, NRA make deal on new gun rules (JONATHAN WEISMAN, 6/09/07, Washington Post)
Senior Democrats have reached agreement with the National Rifle Association on what could be the first federal gun-control legislation since 1994, a measure to significantly strengthen the national system that checks the backgrounds of gun buyers. [...]To sign on to the deal, the powerful gun lobby won significant concessions from Democratic negotiators. Individuals with minor infractions in their pasts could petition their states to have their names removed from the federal database, and about 83,000 military veterans, put into the system by the Department of Veterans Affairs in 2000 for alleged mental health reasons, would have a chance to clean their records.
The federal government would be permanently barred from charging gun buyers or sellers a fee for their background checks. In addition, faulty records such as duplicative names or expunged convictions would have to be scrubbed from the database.
You know the Democratic leadership has lost control of the congressional party when the response to a gun incident is to pass legislation for the NRA. Posted by Orrin Judd at June 10, 2007 12:00 AM
Nothing like starting off the day with the smell of napalm in the morning--the smell of victory.
By the way, this is quite consistent with the history of cun laws in America. Most successful laws were written with NRA advice and concurrence. We are the ones who know how the gun business works.
Some background here: The federal bureacuracy hads been dragging its feet on restoration of rights. There had been legislative authorization for petitions for relief from disabilities which the feds were disregarding.
The NRA website does not have this story up as of yet.
I should like to know how the people from the shrink industry weigh in on this one.
Posted by: Lou Gots at June 10, 2007 4:12 PM