May 30, 2007


Airlines Balking at Latest A350 Design: More bad news for Airbus as clients call for a redesign of the widebody. New technology and infrastructure would send costs soaring (Business Week, 5/29/07)

Aircraft manufacturer Airbus, already struggling with delays to its A380 superjumbo, now faces problems with its A350 long-range widebody aircraft due to customer dissatisfaction with the current design.

The first version of the new A350 was rejected out of hand, now the second version hasn't come up to scratch either. A number of important customers are demanding changes in Airbus' technology, which could cause further delays at the troubled aircraft manufacturer.

The latest incarnation of the A350 has been found wanting by Emirates, Singapore Airplines, Qatar Airways and the leasing company ILFC, Germany's Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper reports on Tuesday. "In my opinion the current Airbus proposal represents an intermediate stage," the newspaper quotes Emirates boss Tim Clark.

The customers have called on Airbus to modify its design of the fuselage by baking the body, made out of carbon-fiber composites, on a huge mold, as Boeing does with its 787 Dreamliner, instead of riveting sections together.'re really in trouble.

Posted by Orrin Judd at May 30, 2007 7:45 AM

The design change they seem to want is a major tear-up. This bird won't fly. Buy Boeing stock.

Posted by: JAB at May 30, 2007 10:00 AM

There is an important message in this fiasco.

Pray tell, how likely is it that these clowns can build something to compete with the F/A-22 or the F-35?

Posted by: Lou Gots at May 30, 2007 10:18 AM