May 8, 2007
France: Another Political Thatcher is Born (Julio Godoy, 5/08/07, IPS News)
Nicolas Sarkozy's triumph in the French presidential elections could open the way for deep political and social changes, not unlike those that began with the era of Margaret Thatcher in Britain in the 1980s.At the same time, Sarkozy's triumph, or rather, the defeat of the Left in the shape of Socialist candidate Ségolène Royal, can also bring an overhaul of political structures, according to some political analysts.
Sarkozy obtained 53 percent of the vote in the second round of the presidential elections, thanks to the decisive support of centrists and far right-wing voters, and even some leftist supporters, according to political surveys.
Sarkozy, who will take office May 16, declared immediately that during his mandate "values such as hard work, morality, authority, respect and merit will be rehabilitated."
Such wording, which he has used repeatedly during his campaign, has been widely interpreted as announcement of further dismantling of the welfare state, preference for neoliberal politics in favor of enterprises, and state authoritarianism.
While Ronald Reagan revived the West and won the Cold War, it seems increasingly clear that it is Thatcherism that has the more lasting influence in terms of a governing philosophy. Posted by Orrin Judd at May 8, 2007 9:23 AM
dismantling of the welfare state, preference for neoliberal politics in favor of enterprises, and state authoritarianism
"state authoritarianism"? Like Bush Hitlerism?
An early sign of Sarko Derangement Syndrome, no?