May 17, 2007


Farnsworth doesn't like Rocket rule: Yankees reliever says all teammates should be at park (AP, 5/17/07)

New York reliever Kyle Farnsworth thinks no one on the Yankees, not even Roger Clemens, should be allowed to leave the team when they aren't pitching.

Farnsworth was on Chicago's 670 AM The Score on Thursday morning when he first criticized the so-called "family plan" clause in Clemens' one-year, $28 million contract that allows the right-hander to leave the team for personal matters when he's not pitching.

Farnsworth reiterated his beliefs in the clubhouse before the Yankees' 4-1 loss to the White Sox.

"As far as a teammate and a player, I think everybody should be here whether they're pitching or not," he said. "You don't see guys who are hurt not sit on the bench. They're always there."

The Clemens deal is a cancer and Torre and Jeter checked out so long ago there's no one to fight the malignancy.

Posted by Orrin Judd at May 17, 2007 8:43 PM

And yet they'll win a weak AL East nonetheless.

Posted by: Jim in Chicago at May 17, 2007 10:20 PM

The local media in Houston are so meek and accommodating that they never really raised Rocket's deal with the Astros as an issue.

Several local columnists have actually expressed surprise that the NY media finds this a problem, since they didn't.

It's laughable.

Of course, Drayton McLane didn't find it a problem because his main interest is always butts in seats, not doing everything possible to win. For him, it's always a balance.

Posted by: Kevin Whited at May 18, 2007 8:02 AM
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