May 8, 2007
A White-Tie Dinner for Queen’s White House Visit (SHERYL GAY STOLBERG, 5/08/07, NY Times)
Presidents come and go, but for more than half a century, the queen has always been the queen.So it was perhaps no surprise that Washington went a little gaga on Monday, as Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, began an official two-day visit to the capital.
Across the Atlantic, Helen Mirren, who won an Academy Award for her portrayal of Elizabeth in “The Queen,” shocked the British conscience over the weekend by turning down an invitation to dine at Buckingham Palace.
But on this side of the ocean, the queen was making Americans go weak in the knees.
If looks could kill, Mr Bush, you'd be a goner (EBEN HARRELL, 5/08/07, The Scotsman)
A CLOUDLESS blue sky, a military marching band, an immaculate red carpet - the White House managed to put everything in order yesterday for the Queen's first visit to the United States in 16 years. Everything, that is, except for George Bush.Posted by Orrin Judd at May 8, 2007 6:16 AMIn his opening remarks, the president managed to undo weeks of preparation in a single phrase. At the welcoming ceremony in Washington DC, Mr Bush had been talking about one of the Queen's previous visits, in 1976, which coincided with the 200th anniversary of American independence.
In front of more than 7,000 politicians, diplomats, White House staff and their families, Mr Bush told the Queen: "You helped our nation to celebrate its bicentennial in 17 ..." before hastily correcting himself and saying "1976."
The crowd laughed and the president paused, turned to the Queen and winked. He turned back to the lectern and quipped: "She gave me a look that only a mother could give a child."
The Queen laughed in response.
That last bit about the dates and the comment about the look is something that could only have been planned.
Posted by: Bruno at May 8, 2007 9:19 AMThey kind-a pushed the duke out of the way. I guess its not good to be the husband of the Queen. Watching Bill struggle to remain 3 steps behind Hillary if/when he's "First Gentleman" will be fun.
Posted by: Dave W at May 8, 2007 9:51 AMWill the GOP nominee have the guts to ask the questions that need to be asked: What will Bill's role be in a St.Hillary! White House? Bush the Elder has (at least publicly) kept his distance from his son, but how can St.Hillary! do the same with Bill? Will she have the guts to publicly reprimand him if he crosses the line? (Whatever that line might be.)
On the other hand, I would guess, for a lot of people Bill and the 90s are the Good Ol' Days™, and the idea that having him around will somehow recreate those days. But those are the same people who really thought the Woodstock Revival of the 90s would somehow recapture the thrill (and mud and stink) of the original.
Raoul, don't worry, it won't happen. Hill won't even be the nominee.
Posted by: ic at May 8, 2007 1:01 PMI'm a pessimist, and I am taking into consideration that her opponent will be the best the Stupid Party can offer. (see, Dole, Robert). There's just something about seeing an easily predictable disaster unfold over the course of years that I find depressingly fascinating.
Posted by: Raoul Ortega at May 8, 2007 3:30 PMWould Dole have lost had Perot not run?
Alternatively, would any Republican candidate have won, given that Perot ran?
Posted by: Jorge Curioso at May 9, 2007 5:20 PM