May 12, 2007


Exuberant spirit moves Arcade Fire (Joan Anderman, May 12, 2007, Boston Globe)

"Set my spirit free," begged Win Butler, a towering man standing on a tall riser coaxing massive chords from a pipe organ. Arcade Fire's frontman was singing "My Body Is a Cage" at the Orpheum on Thursday, accompanied by nine musicians and several thousand music lovers, all united in the vaguely defined but radically exuberant quest for release. For the Montreal indie band touring behind a glorious collection of dystopian epics called "Neon Bible," that means transcending the soul-numbing nightmare of modern life. For others, it signified freedom from finals. The particular circumstances hardly mattered.

The show was a revival disguised as a rock concert, a spirited gathering predicat ed on the belief that the right combination of hurdy-gurdies, French horns, electric guitars, and accordions can take you higher. There was an element of self-fulfilling prophecy to the proceedings -- crusades and concerts alike are largely a matter of preaching to the converted, and Arcade Fire's fans exhibit the fierce allegiance of early adopters whose obscure discovery has suddenly become a juggernaut. But the band played its part with heart and vigor.

Arcade Fire playlist here.

Posted by Orrin Judd at May 12, 2007 8:15 AM

Why the blog hype for this group? They're not bad, but nowhere near the what some have claimed!
The New Apples in Stereo are much more listenable and enjoyable. Let alone the great Railroad Earth link you earlier sent me, "Live at Irving Plaza".
Actually, Arcade is, to me, woosie music, New Apples less woosie, but gotta go with Widespread Panic, especially "Ball of Confusion".
Guess that's the difference between a 30 something and someone half way thru their seventh decade.
Or, maybe, generations notwithstanding, different enjoyments for different persons.
BTW, gotta bunch of new music on its way, will provide previews of those I deem worthy.

Posted by: Mike at May 12, 2007 11:14 PM

They're not a bad ensemble, but hardly worthy of the hype they're getting on your blog.
You sent me the link to the great Railroad Earth concert, much better music than Arcade Fire ever played, as is "New Magnetic Wonder" by The Apples in Stereo.
Gotta bunch new on the way from Amazon, certain you're goin' to love several of them.

Posted by: Mike at May 12, 2007 11:46 PM

My brother just burned me a copy of Rogues Gallery, a collection of pirate and other nautical numbers with Richard Thompson, Loudon Wainright, the guy from Pere Ubu, and many more. It's entertaining (but certainly not for kids).

I agree with Mike about the Arcade Fire. They're not bad, but I don't hear anything particularly new or striking about them, and I don't like dirges for a summer background.

If you like the Apples, be sure to check out Ulysses and Marbles, which are other musical projects lead by Mr. Schneider.

Posted by: ted welter at May 13, 2007 10:19 PM


Did you check out that Great Big Sea?

Posted by: oj at May 14, 2007 6:40 AM