May 28, 2007


Source: Vick 'one of the heavyweights' in dog fighting (Kelly Naqi, 5/28/07,

Our confidential source said he's been involved in dog fighting for more than 30 years. He has trained and fought -- by his estimation -- about 2,000 pit bulls and was poised to tell "Outside the Lines" about the time in 2000 when his dog squared off against a dog owned by someone he referred to as one of the "heavyweights" of the dog fighting world: Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick.

"He's a pit bull fighter," the source said of Vick. "He's one of the ones that they call 'the big boys': that's who bets a large dollar. And they have the money to bet large money. As I'm talking about large money -- $30,000 to $40,000 -- even higher. He's one of the heavyweights."

On April 25, authorities raided a house in Surry County, Va., owned by Vick and reportedly found -- among other things -- 66 dogs (most of which were pit bulls), a dog-fighting pit, bloodstained carpets and equipment commonly associated with dog fighting. Vick was not at the scene and denied knowledge of dog fighting at the property. To this point, no charges have been filed against him. But questions about Vick and his possible connection to dog fighting linger.

This source -- who required anonymity as a condition of our interview -- has helped law enforcement by supplying information on dog fights that has led to dozens of felony arrests.

You just don't want the animal rights crowd mad at you.

Posted by Orrin Judd at May 28, 2007 7:38 AM

From the article:

"I believe that dog fighting is on the upswing," said John Goodwin, the deputy manager of the Animal Cruelty Campaign for The Humane Society. "And I believe that certain elements of the pop culture have glamorized dog fighting and glamorized big, tough pit bulls."

I wonder what elements of pop culture he is talking about? The opera crowd? Big band swing people?

Posted by: pchuck at May 28, 2007 11:49 AM

You gotta wonder if one of the NFL players heard a rumor and turned him in. That's so low one can imagine even pro football players being disgusted by it.

Posted by: Matt Murphy at May 28, 2007 10:58 PM