May 24, 2007
War spending bill splits Democrats (Carl Hulse, May 24, 2007, NY Times)
Congressional contortions over the Iraq spending bill could end up with most House Democrats momentarily occupying the position they were so desperate to vacate: the minority.The decision by the Democratic majority to strip the measure of a timetable for troop withdrawal has raised the prospect that it could be approved mainly by Republicans with scattered Democratic support.
The idea that many Democrats would be left on the losing side in a consequential vote has exposed a sharp divide within the party, drawn scorn from antiwar groups, confused the public and frustrated the party rank hand file.
Seems unlikely that the public is confused. Posted by Orrin Judd at May 24, 2007 10:35 AM
Doesn't matter.
Posted by: Sandy P at May 24, 2007 10:57 AM