May 25, 2007
Study: Smoking forbidden in most U.S. households (AP, 5/25/07)
Smoking is forbidden in nearly three out of four U.S. households, a dramatic increase from the 43 percent of homes that prohibited smoking a decade ago, the federal government reported Thursday.The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which conducted the survey in 2003, said it was the first study to offer a state-by-state look at the prevalence of smoking in American homes.
Utah led the nation, with people in nearly nine out of 10 homes saying smoking was never allowed. The state's large population of Mormons, who eschew tobacco, probably contributed to that statistic, the agency said.
Kentucky was in last place, with a little more than half of households sending smokers outside (or, at least, to the garage).
But even in Kentucky, smokers found fewer place to light up. Ten years earlier, only a quarter of the state's households barred smoking.
And then the tobaccophiles can't understand why the sheeples allow smoking to be banned at work and in restaurants.... Posted by Orrin Judd at May 25, 2007 9:31 AM
We've been temporarily staying in an apartment while waiting for our house to be completed.
I have been astonished at how many residents go outside their apartment to have a smoke.
Posted by: ray at May 25, 2007 10:06 PM