April 18, 2007


Little steps have resulted in so much progress. Those "conservatives" who think that the Dems and Republicans are indistinguishable are mind-bogglingly stupid.

Posted by: b at April 18, 2007 10:55 AM

The constitution IS what Tony says it is. Putting diplomats like Roberts and Alito on the court may already be paying off.

Posted by: jeff at April 18, 2007 12:07 PM

Conventional Wisdom will say this is good for the pro-abortion crowd because they can use this to rally the base and help elect more Dems who will prevent more conservative justices making these kinds of rulings.

Posted by: AWW at April 18, 2007 1:46 PM

I am sure that someone, somewhere commenting here has tried tp explain how the dismanteling of the Kindermord regime must now proceed.

Roe v. Wade is not to be "overturned," it is to be narrowed, chipped away, a tiny cut at a time.

This is already well along. Contemportary Surpeme Court case law no longer treats baby-murder like a fundamnetal right, such as free speech, the mere chilling of which is unconstitutional.

Furthermore, laws protecting the unborn are now to be considered as separable. A tiny defect does not now result in throwing out an entire statutory scheme.

Watch out now for the future progress of ultra-sound counselling. There are many slices still to be carved from the carcass.

Posted by: Lou Gots at April 18, 2007 3:35 PM

I am sure that someone, somewhere commenting here has tried tp explain how the dismanteling of the Kindermord regime must now proceed.

Roe v. Wade is not to be "overturned," it is to be narrowed, chipped away, a tiny cut at a time.

This is already well along. Contemportary Surpeme Court case law no longer treats baby-murder like a fundamnetal right, such as free speech, the mere chilling of which is unconstitutional.

Furthermore, laws protecting the unborn are now to be considered as separable. A tiny defect does not now result in throwing out an entire statutory scheme.

Watch out now for the future progress of ultra-sound counselling. There are many slices still to be carved from the carcass.

Posted by: Lou Gots at April 18, 2007 3:56 PM

I am sure that someone, somewhere commenting here has tried tp explain how the dismanteling of the Kindermord regime must now proceed.

Roe v. Wade is not to be "overturned," it is to be narrowed, chipped away, a tiny cut at a time.

This is already well along. Contemportary Surpeme Court case law no longer treats baby-murder like a fundamnetal right, such as free speech, the mere chilling of which is unconstitutional.

Furthermore, laws protecting the unborn are now to be considered as separable. A tiny defect does not now result in throwing out an entire statutory scheme.

Watch out now for the future progress of ultra-sound counselling. There are many slices still to be carved from the carcass.

Posted by: Lou Gots at April 18, 2007 3:56 PM

I am sure that someone, somewhere commenting here has tried tp explain how the dismanteling of the Kindermord regime must now proceed.

Roe v. Wade is not to be "overturned," it is to be narrowed, chipped away, a tiny cut at a time.

This is already well along. Contemportary Surpeme Court case law no longer treats baby-murder like a fundamnetal right, such as free speech, the mere chilling of which is unconstitutional.

Furthermore, laws protecting the unborn are now to be considered as separable. A tiny defect does not now result in throwing out an entire statutory scheme.

Watch out now for the future progress of ultra-sound counselling. There are many slices still to be carved from the carcass.

Posted by: Lou Gots at April 18, 2007 4:12 PM