April 24, 2007

1979 INSTEAD OF 1789?:

Ségolène faces uphill struggle for hearts and minds of France (Daily Mail, 23rd April 2007)

Ms Royal, 53, is sometimes called Mitterand's political daughter and she has pledged to pursue traditional policies of the Left.

They include increased state aid for the unemployed (who make up almost 10 per cent of the population) intervention on the part of workers affected by globalisation and a massive campaign against social exclusion.

Mr Sarkozy, 52, says further featherbedding by the state will lead France into deeper economic stagnation, stifling opportunities which - especially for the young - are already few.

During his campaign Mr Sarkozy visited a city where he knew there were 400,000 potential votes - London. He has pointed to Britain as an example of how free market policies and a laissez-faire attitude towards business can bring growth and prosperity.

The French population in Britain, especially London, has grown substantially as workers seek opportunities they cannot find at home, a point he stressed again and again.

For many, his message bears echoes of Thatcherism. He wants to make the 35-hour working week a minimum, rather than a maximum.

He wants to shift the emphasis from employment by the state to a revitalised business sector. He wants to sell social housing to its tenants. Unlike his opponents on the Left, he does not despise what is called the "Anglo Saxon model".

Ms Royal, by contrast, has pledged that her socialism would not reflect that of New Labour across the Channel and she has pointedly said that she would never bend her knee to George Bush.

Posted by Orrin Judd at April 24, 2007 6:52 AM

We don't want you on bended knee. We'd just like you to shut the heck up once in a while.

France - is it too much to ask for you to stop whining, just for a little bit?

Posted by: Mikey [TypeKey Profile Page] at April 24, 2007 7:11 AM

They can't stop - it's their raison d'etre.

Posted by: ratbert at April 24, 2007 7:36 AM

They have to have something to go w/their cheese.....

Posted by: Sandy P at April 24, 2007 9:16 AM

Perhaps what they are upset about is that we really don't care what they think, we don't pay attention to their opinion, and we wouldn't notice if they were standing up, on bended knee, or on their backs ready to take it.

We have seriously hurt their pride because we do not find them significant or truly worthy of notice and they are going to whine, pester, and annoy us until we do acknowledge the existence of France!

Posted by: Mikey [TypeKey Profile Page] at April 24, 2007 12:15 PM

I want Royal to win. Whatever is worse for France is ok by me.

I do find it interesting that "Royal" who is a Socialist dresses all in white. White being the traditional Bourbon color. She is also quite rich. Wonder what Marx would think.

Posted by: Bob at April 24, 2007 2:00 PM