March 30, 2007


Riot boosts Le Pen's poll ratings (Angela Charlton, 31 March 2007, AP)

Rioting French youths who hurled insults about presidential front-runner Nicolas Sarkozy may, ironically, help him win.

Polls yesterday suggested that the outburst of violence at a Paris train station this week boosted support for the conservative who cultivated a law-and-order image as interior minister - and for far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen.

When that which he's warned of happens it helps his campaign--go figure....

Meanwhile, on the Left...School strikes stoke election fever in France (Katrin Bennhold, March 30, 2007, International Herald Tribune)

Many primary schools in Paris were on strike Friday and hundreds of teachers and parents took to the streets to protest the temporary detention of a principal who had tried to prevent the arrest of an illegal immigrant picking up his grandchild after school.

Posted by Orrin Judd at March 30, 2007 9:08 PM
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