February 28, 2007


Justice for Darfur (Angelina Jolie, February 28, 2007, Washington Post)

Until the killers and their sponsors are prosecuted and punished, violence will continue on a massive scale. Ending it may well require military action. But accountability can also come from international tribunals, measuring the perpetrators against international standards of justice. [...]

As the prosecutions unfold, I hope the international community will intervene, right away, to protect the people of Darfur and prevent further violence. The refugees don't need more resolutions or statements of concern. They need follow-through on past promises of action.

There has been a groundswell of public support for action. People may disagree on how to intervene -- airstrikes, sending troops, sanctions, divestment -- but we all should agree that the slaughter must be stopped and the perpetrators brought to justice.

In my five years with UNHCR, I have visited more than 20 refugee camps in Sierra Leone, Congo, Kosovo and elsewhere. I have met families uprooted by conflict and lobbied governments to help them. Years later, I have found myself at the same camps, hearing the same stories and seeing the same lack of clean water, medicine, security and hope.

It has become clear to me that there will be no enduring peace without justice. History shows that there will be another Darfur, another exodus, in a vicious cycle of bloodshed and retribution. But an international court finally exists. It will be as strong as the support we give it. This might be the moment we stop the cycle of violence and end our tolerance for crimes against humanity.

What the worst people in the world fear most is justice. That's what we should deliver.

Posted by Orrin Judd at February 28, 2007 9:03 PM

A good start for someone from the entertainment hive, but she should know by know that Khartoum rebuffed any 'jurisdiction' of the ICC over two people (one of them the interior minister of Sudan) who are wanted for questioning.

Nothing will help anyone in Darfur now except the 'sovereign' killing of about 1000 government employees in Khartoum. In the same night. Up close and personal.

Too bad John Bolton isn't at the UN to tell the world that the Chinese like lots of dead Africans because it gives them easier access to oil. Angelina could have mentioned that in her piece, too.

Posted by: jim hamlen at February 28, 2007 9:44 PM

You don't think American companies have a lot to gain from dead Africans?

Posted by: NFB at February 28, 2007 9:57 PM

No, the dead are poor consumers.

Posted by: oj at February 28, 2007 11:29 PM

So she'll be happy if we read that the AC-130s are in Darfur. Cool.

Posted by: JAB at March 1, 2007 12:06 AM

The dead aren't good workers either, although they add only slightly less value than the typical Ivy League liberal arts major.

Posted by: jeff at March 1, 2007 7:24 AM