September 22, 2006
Afghanistan's Booming Economy (Ann Marlowe, 9/19/06, The Wall Street Journal
The recent spate of violence shouldn't be allowed to detract from the real story here: Afghanistan's booming economy. Frightened by exaggerated scare stories, American and other Western companies are missing out on lucrative investment opportunities grasped by ostensibly less sophisticated Afghan and regional players.There's no shortage of profit to be made in an economy that grew 14% in the 12 months to March 21, and is expected to expand by a similar amount in the current financial year. In Kabul alone the number of cars and taxis has increased by one-third since last year to 400,000, up from fewer than 1,000 under the Taliban. Large sections of the city boast three- and four-storey buildings where mud brick houses stood only a few years ago, and twin 17- and 20-storey towers are currently under construction in Herat.
Telecom was one of the first big success stories. U.S. companies stood by as Afghanistan's first four mobile-phone licenses were auctioned off, starting in January 2003. The Afghan-American and regional investors who got licenses have profited as the number of private mobile-phone users rocketed from zero to 1.5 million over the last five years.
Now finance and banking is taking off -- and, once again, Western companies are missing out. First in the door were institutions from neighboring countries. Banks from Pakistan, Iran, India and the United Arab Emirates started opening branches in October 2003. Then, in 2004, the first two local banks opened up -- Kabul Bank and Afghanistan International Bank (AIB). A third, Azizi, joined them in June this year.
By next March, 16 banks are expected to be operating in Afghanistan.
What these investors see is a wide-open banking market.
We can't recommend Ms Marlowe's book highly enough. Posted by Orrin Judd at September 22, 2006 12:01 PM
Don't want to die, stay out of the line of fire.
Posted by: erp at September 22, 2006 4:45 PMThey are being killed by the thousands. NATO killed more this year than 2002-2005 combined, if you believe the numbers. Apparantly there was a big influx of cash for the Taliban this year and they blew it on cannon fodder.
Posted by: JAB at September 22, 2006 5:41 PM400,000 cars and taxis. OJ's gonna jump the rails.
Posted by: jdkelly at September 22, 2006 5:46 PMjdkelley;
Yes, the lack of the deadweight of railroads is making a real difference.
Someone's skimming and using the cannon fodder to hide the bodies, so to speak.
Posted by: Annoying Old Guy at September 22, 2006 6:38 PM