September 27, 2006
Is there a gay gene? (Jim Ritter, Chicago Sun-Times, September 26th, 2006)
One of the great mysteries of human sexuality is what causes some men to be gay.Scientists have rejected earlier notions that homosexuality is a mental illness. The thinking now is that sexual orientation is determined by roughly 40 percent genetic factors and 60 percent environmental factors.
And now researchers at Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Research Institute are hoping to identify one or more genes that help determine sexual orientation.
The Molecular Genetic Study of Sexual Orientation is recruiting 1,000 pairs of gay brothers to donate blood samples for DNA analysis.
"We hope our study will dispel mythologies and ignorance about homosexuality," said Dr. Alan Sanders, a Northwestern University psychiatrist who is directing the five-year study.
If science can show that homosexuality is a biological trait, like eye color, the public likely would be more accepting of gays, said Timothy Murphy, a University of Illinois at Chicago bioethicist and paid consultant to the study.
They don’t even pretend anymore, do they?
Gays need to be wary about this -- most hetero couples might look upon a gay fetus a lot like a Down's Syndrome baby.
Perhaps 20% of the girl fetuses are aborted in China and India -- I'd guess a huge percentage of "gay fetuses" would be aborted as well.
Posted by: Tom Grey - Liberty Dad at September 27, 2006 6:36 AMYeah, imagine if there could be a "cure" too.
Posted by: RC at September 27, 2006 8:13 AMIf there's a gay gene, it can be switched off.
It's going to be nothing more than an option on the designer baby checklist.
Posted by: Sandy P at September 27, 2006 11:30 AMHow could a Darwinist believe in a gay gene?
(Well, unless it's like sickle-cell, and the half-gay men get more women...)
Posted by: Mike Earl at September 27, 2006 11:53 AMHoney, do these genes make me look gay?
Posted by: Jim in Chicago at September 27, 2006 4:29 PM(Well, unless it's like sickle-cell, and the half-gay men get more women...)
Sounds like a federal research grant lurking in there somewhere, too...
Posted by: Raoul Ortega at September 27, 2006 10:18 PM