September 22, 2006


Britain may apologise over slavery
(Philip Johnston, The Telegraph, September 22nd, 2006)

The Government may say sorry for Britain's role in the slave trade when the country marks the 200th anniversary next year of the legislation that led to its abolition.

An advisory committee, chaired by John Prescott, the Deputy Prime Minister, which is overseeing preparations for the bicentenary, is considering issuing "a statement of regret" on March 25, the date that the Slave Trade Act was passed by Parliament. Although such a declaration is said in Whitehall to fall short of the formal apology demanded by some campaigners, it would nevertheless be seen as one.[...]

Campaigners for a national apology say slavery was sustained by actions of the British government. But Whitehall advisers fear that an apology could leave the Government open to claims for reparation from descendants of slaves.

This recalls a hilarious parody of Nixon during Watergate when a talented mimic had him accepting full responsibility for the mess—but not the blame. “Let me explain the difference”, he intoned. “A person who accepts the blame loses his job. A person who accepts the responsibility does not.”

Posted by Peter Burnet at September 22, 2006 6:02 AM

This is an obscene perversion of history.

Britain, true to its Christian heritage, almost single-handedly ended the largely Muslim institution on slavery over the couse of the Nineteenth century. One could look up things like this.

It had been better if British traders and planters just said no to the Islamic intitution of black slavery, but the temptation was too strong.

Slavery had been a moral calamity for all involved. The world should thank the British, and the Americans, for ending it.

Posted by: Lou Gots at September 22, 2006 8:06 AM

They might as well apologize for the Stamp Act and the Proclamation of 1763 while they're at it.

Posted by: jdkelly at September 22, 2006 12:46 PM

Blair already apologized for burning the White House. We didn't send him a bill.

Posted by: RC at September 23, 2006 10:16 AM

And of course the British Navy did more than any other institution to END the slave trade...

Posted by: John Thacker at September 24, 2006 6:34 PM