September 7, 2006
Power Duo To Headline Church-State Fundraiser (Rebecca Spence, Sep 08, 2006, The Forward)
Mikey Weinstein, an Air Force veteran turned church-state gadfly, has signed up Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame to headline a soiree he is set to throw September 9 in Albuquerque, N.M. [...]Posted by Orrin Judd at September 7, 2006 5:05 PMWeinstein’s latest gripe is with the airmen of the 523rd Fighter Squadron, based in New Mexico. The F-16 combat squadron calls itself “The Crusaders†and has incorporated the religious imagery of the crusades — including a cross — into the patches they affix to their uniforms. As usual, Weinstein pulled no punches. “I’m already in court suing the Air Force, and my lawyer is studying whether we want to take this to federal court,†he said.
Move along, nothing new to see here.
The 523rd had long had that patch and name when I was in it, way back in 1979.
Posted by: Jeff Guinn at September 7, 2006 6:27 PMThe high school I went to had the crusader as it's mascot. Big Knights Templar-looking guy on a horse with a cross on his shield. I wonder if that's changed at all recently.
Posted by: Bryan at September 8, 2006 7:46 AMYes, it's the separationism that's new.
No, just misplaced priorities. There is no more religious, or historical reference, in that squadron's patch than in sports teams using Native Americans as icons.
Posted by: Jeff Guinn at September 8, 2006 9:02 AMOther than the fact that all our wars are religious. Folks who only want to serve in a military that's defensive have to find another country.
The insistence otherwise is the innovation.
Posted by: oj at September 8, 2006 10:06 AMSo this is what they talk about when they say, the "surly bonds of earth."
Posted by: H.D. Miller at September 8, 2006 1:27 PMSince a big motivators for Islamic militarism against the west is the idea that we are over there waging a religious crusade - and we keep assuring them its not true. To have some of their children getting killed by by folks called "The Crusaders" who's symbol incorporates a crucifix . . . seems perhaps a bit of tactical mistake?!
Posted by: Susan at November 4, 2006 8:33 PMDon't be silly--of course it's a Crusade. That's what we do.
Posted by: oj at November 4, 2006 9:27 PM