September 17, 2006
Marriage vote seen as lifeline for Allen (Christina Bellantoni, 9/17/06, THE WASHINGTON TIMES)
Virginia's constitutional amendment on marriage will attract conservative voters who otherwise would have stayed home in frustration with national Republicans, grass-roots activists say.
The bump in turnout in November likely will benefit U.S. Sen. George Allen, a Republican who until recently appeared a lock for re-election and poised for a 2008 White House bid.
"Marriage amendments do drive turnout," said Victoria Cobb, executive director of Virginia's Family Foundation. [...]
Mr. Allen favors amending the state constitution, but his challenger, Democrat James H. Webb Jr., opposes the constitutional change as broad and discriminatory.
Morality discriminates. Posted by Orrin Judd at September 17, 2006 9:20 AM
All the wishy-washy RINO defeatism about the mid-terms is arousing our suspicion about the bona fides of Republican support for the right to life.
What better way to sell us out than to suffer a change of congress and say, "Oh well, hyuk, hyuk, we cant get your Supreme Court Justices now, so the Kindermord will just have to go on."
Posted by: Lou Gots at September 17, 2006 12:25 PMHe's going to need it, via Instapundit, Webb swept the floor w/Allen.
So much for his pres ambitions:
THE WEBB/ALLEN DEBATE: Dean Barnett says it was a major win for Webb: "For conservatives wishing for Allen to retain his seat, their best hope is that Virginians were otherwise occupied this morning or that the state’s NBC outlets were having technical difficulties."
The Allen Campaign liveblogged the debate, and says that Webb was routed. "Jim Webb was simply out of his league — he’s not up to the complex array of issues facing Virginia, so he’s piggy-backing on the Kennedy/Kerry wing of the Democratic party."
I link, you decide.
Posted by: Sandy P at September 17, 2006 1:16 PM"For conservatives wishing for Allen to retain his seat, their best hope is that Virginians were otherwise occupied this morning or that the state’s NBC outlets were having technical difficulties."
Or do what most real people do: Watch ESPN's NFL Countdown. "Debates" on shows like "Meet the Cuomo Aide" are by and large worthless. GOTV is all that matters, and the Dems have got to show the rest of us they can do that.
Posted by: Brad S at September 17, 2006 2:22 PM