September 17, 2006
Called From Diplomatic Reserve: Former Secretary of State Leads Attempt to Salvage Iraq Mission (Michael Abramowitz, September 17, 2006, Washington Post)
Is Jim Baker bailing out the Bushes once again?The former secretary of state, James A. Baker III, a confidant of President George H.W. Bush, visited Baghdad two weeks ago to take a look at the vexing political and military situation. He was there as co-chairman of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group, put together by top think tanks at the behest of Congress to come up with ideas about the way forward in Iraq. [...]
Rep. Frank R. Wolf (R-Va.), who came up with the idea for the study group and pushed for its formation, said he thinks the administration is "waiting anxiously" for the group's recommendations. He cited the "impeccable credentials" of the 10-member group, which also includes former Supreme Court justice Sandra Day O'Connor, former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, investment banker and Bill Clinton adviser Vernon E. Jordan Jr., and former White House chief of staff Leon E. Panetta. The other co-chairman is the Democratic former Indiana congressman Lee H. Hamilton, who also co-chaired the commission that investigated the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. [...]
Baker has offered some hints of his thinking -- and his dismay with the way the Iraq occupation has been handled by the administration.
"The difficulty of winning the peace was severely underestimated," Baker wrote in a recent memoir, citing "costly mistakes" by the Pentagon. These included, he wrote, disbanding the Iraqi army, not securing weapons depots and "perhaps never having committed enough troops to successfully pacify the country." [...]
Baker and panel members have been exploring different ideas, such as a greater degree of regional autonomy for Kurdish, Sunni and Shiite regions. But those familiar with the group's work said there is far from a consensus yet on what to do. One well-placed source said panel members came away from their trip sobered, with "a sense that we can't continue to do what we have been doing," adding that Baker was not simply looking to protect the administration.
"I think he basically wants to call it the way he sees it," said this source, a critic of the administration's approach to Iraq. "He's also been frustrated by the mistakes that have been made. In many ways, it has damaged the legacy he established as secretary of state."
His legacy was securing stability in Iraq by allowing Saddam to maintain his brutal repression, so it's no wonder he thinks the occupation should have been heavier-handed. But if the group now arrives at splitting Iraq in three it can do some good.
Posted by Orrin Judd at September 17, 2006 9:01 AM
Should it not be consideed the acme of excellence to let it appear that the dismanteling of what will be called THE FORMER IRAQ was not our idea all along?
Posted by: Lou Gots at September 17, 2006 9:16 AM
Yes, being forced to accept it rather than setting out to do it will make folks feel better if they're squeamish, but the reality is it was a false creation of the West and we should have ditched it in '91 (and more or less did by separating out Kurdistan).
Posted by: oj at September 17, 2006 9:26 AMthe 10-member group, which also includes former Supreme Court justice Sandra Day O'Connor
Please, PLEASE do not let the former justice write any part of the recommendations. We'll NEVER figure out what they're recommending if she's involved in the writing!
Posted by: kevin whited at September 17, 2006 9:59 AMCome on, now, you know Mesopotamia has been geographically contigous, since at least
1517; that's why they were Vilayets. As to
the commission, having Baker, whose focus
along with Armitage, Powell, et al is on
securing Azeri oil, consequently cozing up
to the Iranians, this commission is a non
Yes, our interests are the same as Iran's in Iraq.
Posted by: oj at September 17, 2006 10:27 AM"Mesopotamia has been geographically contigous, since at least
Yes, prior to 1517, part of it was situated in Yorba Linda California.
Posted by: h-man at September 17, 2006 1:50 PMAnyone who lists "disbanding the Iraqi army" among mistakes made marks themselves for an idiot and one should not waste one's time with the other drivel likely to come out of his mouth.
Baker is a reptile. He served his purpose in Florida in Nov/Dec 2000 by preventing the Dems from stealing yet another Presidential election, but it's hard to think of someone more divorced from W's principles than he.
Posted by: Jim in Chicago at September 17, 2006 2:51 PM