September 13, 2006
Punter makes worst shank of his life (Tom Wright, September 13, 2006, Greeley Trib)
Northern Colorado punter Mitch Cozad brought a whole new meaning to the word "shank" Monday night.In a move only Tanya Harding can appreciate, Evans police allege Cozad, a Northern Colorado backup punter, stabbed Bears starting punter Rafael Mendoza in the back of his right thigh Monday evening in the parking lot of Mendoza's Evans apartment.
What football fan (coach/player/etc./) hasn't wanted to stab his team's kicker at some point? Posted by Orrin Judd at September 13, 2006 12:46 PM
I wanted to stab Vinatieri for missing that chip shot against the Panthers in the Super Bowl and costingme 50 bucks.
Posted by: Brandon at September 13, 2006 2:15 PMI dunno, I've felt major love for the kickers of other teams, such as the fellow on the Bills who won that Superbowl for the Giants in 91.
Oh wait, didn't the Giant kicker last season miss like 5 chances to beat the Seahawks or somesuch in regulation and OT? Yeah, a stabbing was the least of the visions I had for that dude.
Posted by: Jim in Chicago at September 13, 2006 3:41 PMJay Feely. He missed a 40 yarder on Sunday against the Colts that could have help get the Giants the lead, and gets to go back to Seattle in two weeks after a visit to the always visitor-friendly burg of Philadelphia.
As for Northern Colorado, I suppose stabbing the punter might be a tad better than what one of the Colorado players allegedly did to their kicker six years ago.
The prolonged ending of that game last year had me going bonkers because I wanted some more points in OJ's NFL pool. Up comes the Giants kicker and I'm thinking there's one more loss...little knowing that we were all about to experience the Jay Feely comedy hour. (Hat tip to BroJudd poster John).
Three misses for him and then former Cornhusker Josh Brown connects for Seattle. Gee, I wish we had him back.
Posted by: Matt Murphy at September 13, 2006 7:10 PMThe kicking game is the sports equivalent of the always-extremely-aged Euro Popes we keep getting: isn't there a better way? Why not put the five best athletes from each team on the field and let them run/chase/score-or-not for three points. Wouldn't that be better than field goal kicking?
In the same vein, why is a 45-year old African Pope who speaks decent English such an impossibility? What if this pope then eliminated the kicking game with an ex-cathedra first-act-as-Pope kinda deal, really grabbing the hearts-and-minds of the lost American church. Followed, without pause, by the Encylical on the Evils of the DH...many possibilities. Sorry to interrupt the stab-the-no-good-kicker fantasies.
Posted by: Palmcroft at September 13, 2006 8:22 PM