September 24, 2006
Hamas Says It's Serious on Power Share (IBRAHIM BARZAK, 9/24/06, Associated Press)
[Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas] signaled a willingness to compromise Sunday."We are going to resume talks on the formation of a national coalition government," he said in a statement. "We have serious intentions to make it succeed, and we hope that the talks will resume soon."
Haniyeh and Abbas were to meet in Gaza on Monday or Tuesday.
Despite their differences, Hamas and Abbas appear to have little choice but to govern together.
Hamas needs Fatah to win international recognition and restore foreign aid. Abbas could fire the current government and install a new one, but would then require the approval of parliament, which is controlled by Hamas. Early elections are seen as an unpopular option, and there are no guarantees Fatah would win.
Peretz: Talks with Hamas possible ( Staff, Sep. 22, 2006)
Defense Minister Amir Peretz said Saturday that if Hamas were to recognize Israel and agree to abide by agreements previously accepted by the Palestinian Authority, he would urge the government to negotiate directly with Hamas.Speaking in a Rosh Hashana interview with Israel Radio Saturday, Peretz said that if Hamas met these conditions, a Palestinian unity government was not needed as a prerequisite to talks.
Peretz added that it was necessary to "wait and see what the unity government's basic priniciples and orientation will be."
"What difference does it make what the government is called? If Hamas were to recognize Israel's right to exist, I would recommend direct talks with Hamas," Peretz said.
The defense minister said a Palestinian unity government should be judged on the basis of whether it intends to take the path of negotiations with Israel, or continue on the path of terrorism.
It's an ideal point for the Israelis to allow themselves to bve forced into releasing the Prisoners' Group, which has the credibility to make these concessions that the Hamas leaders on the ground fear they don't. Posted by Orrin Judd at September 24, 2006 9:42 AM
--Hamas needs Fatah to win international recognition and restore foreign aid. --
Uhhh, no.....
Recognize Israel and the money will flow like honey.
But the want it both ways.
Posted by: Sandy P at September 24, 2006 2:35 PMAccording to CaptainsQuarters, Haniyeh reneged on the deal today.
Fox reported it this way:,2933,215137,00.html?
While some future Palestinian government will undoubtedly "accept" Israel, it isn't going to be Hamas. They love their theater too much. It's too bad that they are limited to one script.
What Golda Meir said 35 years ago is just as true today - "We will have peace when the Arabs start to love their children more than they hate ours".
Posted by: jim hamlen at September 24, 2006 10:00 PMThey'll accept, the leadership on the ground is just waiting for approval to do so from the leadership in Syria.
Posted by: oj at September 24, 2006 11:28 PMThe (Hamas) leadership in Syria is so far removed from reality that they probably believe the Protocols.
If the US wants peace in the Middle East, we need to give the Palis an uninfluenced choice for it. Part of that means killing every Ba'athist in Syria. As of today, that would be a three-fer. I don't understand why we have held off so long.
Posted by: jim hamlen at September 25, 2006 8:21 AMYes, but the Israelis wasted that opportunity when they went into Lebanon instead.
Posted by: oj at September 25, 2006 8:33 AM