September 19, 2006


By way of the National Association of Manufacturers' blog we find this funny piece, Drop in gasoline prices signals drop in greed? (Andrew Cassel, 9/15/06, Philadelphia Inquirer)

Stop the presses. Alert the clergy. Tell charitable fund-raisers everywhere to get busy.

Altruism is breaking out all over. Greed is on the run!

This must be true, because why else would gasoline prices have dropped more than half a buck in the last month alone?

According to the latest surveys, pump prices in the Philadelphia region averaged $2.69 this week. That's down from $3.17 per gallon in early August.

How to explain such a reversal? For the millions of Americans who reject the idea of supply and demand, this is going to be a challenge.

If you're sure, for example, that $3 gas was the product of collusion among greedy oil companies, how do you account for the price tumbling back toward $2.50 a gallon?

Did Exxon and Sunoco have a great moral awakening? Did they suddenly decide to take pity on us motorists? Envisioning millions of SUVs headed for the scrap heap, were they suddenly filled with remorse?

The gates of Heaven only open when you get prices back around $1.50 a gallon.....

Posted by Orrin Judd at September 19, 2006 11:27 AM

Our fellow Americans on the left arealready crying "election year collusion".

Posted by: Dave W at September 19, 2006 11:55 AM

Some of our fellow Americans on the right agree.

Posted by: Lou Gots at September 19, 2006 12:07 PM

Either way, at $2.58 instead of $3.08, I'm almost delighted to quip: "Fill 'er up, Mac! Both tanks." ... and send the 25 bucks I "saved" to the evil GOP price manipulators so they can hold the House and Senate in November.

Posted by: John Resnick at September 19, 2006 12:15 PM


Those are the folks who think that a GOP House loss would concentrate the base's mind on beating Hillary.

Apparently, recent history with Hillary's husband does not enter into their eqation.

Posted by: Brad S at September 19, 2006 12:47 PM

Just got back from a trip out West. Gas was $3.02 in the Yellowstone area a few days ago. $2.14 in Illinois today versus $2.46 when we left two weeks ago. Nice

Posted by: jdkelly at September 19, 2006 3:57 PM