August 19, 2006
Unforgettable moment hit home 39 years ago (Bob Ryan, August 18, 2006, Boston Globe)
It was Friday, Aug. 18, 1967, and the town was alive because the Red Sox were in an honest-to-God, late-summer pennant race for the first time in 17 years. The fourth-place Red Sox (3 1/2 games back) were playing the fifth-place Angels (four back) in the first of four and it was baseball as baseball was meant to be until that awful moment in the bottom of the fourth with Tony Conigliaro batting against California righthander Jack Hamilton.The sound. Rico Petrocelli will never forget the sound.
``It was a `squish,' " recalls Petrocelli, the on-deck hitter, ``like a tomato or melon hitting the ground."
It was the sound of a baseball hitting Tony C in the left eye.
The Dickie Thon injury was the worst I ever saw. Posted by Orrin Judd at August 19, 2006 9:42 AM
Ron Laflore's line drive hitting Wilbur Wood's kneecap.
As for yesterdays games, all I can say is,
Go Blue Jays!
J.T. Snow catching Randy Johnson's fastball with his face.
J.T. Snow: the only human being who can field first base the way Ozzie Smith fielded shortstop.
Posted by: Palmcroft at August 19, 2006 1:10 PMJoe Theisman getting his leg broken by the Giants defense.
Posted by: Brandon at August 19, 2006 2:26 PMWho threw the pitch?
Posted by: oj at August 19, 2006 3:44 PMGil McDougald hitting a line drive into the eye of Herb Score.
Posted by: JimBobElrod at August 19, 2006 4:26 PMWhat JimBobElrod said.
Posted by: ghostcat at August 19, 2006 6:40 PMThat monk who set himself on fire.
Posted by: RC at August 19, 2006 9:03 PMMike Torrez, a few weeks away from being released by the Mets, hit Thon. The irony is, Thon should have been a Met thanks to a trade of Thon for Craig Swan that was made shortly before the Payson family (which had run the team into the ground) was about to sell to Doubleday and Wilpon. But the Paysons squashed the deal, saying it was up to the new owners to make personnel moves at that point.
Posted by: Foos at August 20, 2006 8:25 PM