August 20, 2006
Hezbollah warned not to violate truce (Al Jazeera, August 20th, 2006)
The Lebanese government, in an unprecedented move, has warned Hezbollah against violating the UN-brokered truce.In an implicit warning to the militia, Elias Murr, Lebanon's defence minister, said on Sunday that anyone who violated a cease-fire deal by firing rockets into Israel from Lebanon would be arrested and tried by a military court.
"Any violation ... any rocket that would give Israel a justification [to hit Lebanon] will be treated harshly," Murr told a press conference.
"It will be considered as direct collaboration with the enemy," Murr said, adding that those responsible "will be tried and referred to a military tribunal".
Posted by Peter Burnet at August 20, 2006 2:18 PM
Idle threats. Who would arrest them?
Posted by: Brandon at August 20, 2006 4:14 PMMaybe, but that is not the kind of statement one associates with a peaceful old age for a Lebanese politician. We'll see about actions, but the rhetoric is different this time.
Posted by: Peter B at August 20, 2006 4:41 PMLebanon is the enemy of South Lebanon.
Posted by: oj at August 20, 2006 5:11 PMThe politicians probably told the Hizbos of this in advance with the understanding that this would of course not be enforced, but would make the Lebanese look like they are serious - when in fact they are not. By doing so, they need not fear for their own lives.
Posted by: obc at August 20, 2006 5:50 PMAnd then there's the Shia stronghold of West Lebanon.
Posted by: ghostcat at August 20, 2006 5:54 PMCome on. They HAVE to say that. This is international law 101 stuff. The analogy, tired and worn out by now, is to Pershing's expedition, or to the Cambodian incursion, which was totally legal, or the the hypothetical of Canadian extremists (snarf!) shooting rockets across the border at the U.S.
Also, if Lebanon cannot satisfy the duties of neutrality, someone else must do it for them. If the 200 French engineers can't handle it, Israel retains the right of self-defense.
Posted by: Lou Gots at August 20, 2006 6:30 PM