August 22, 2006


Gas prices slip, and the worst may be over for this year (Barbara Hagenbaugh, 8/22/06, USA TODAY)

A number of analysts, including those at Moody's Economy .com, Wachovia and Global Insight, say gasoline prices likely will continue to decline in coming weeks. But they warn that a number of factors could toss out that forecast and send oil and gasoline prices higher.

"Unless you get another Katrina-Rita (hurricane) kind of event, odds are we've probably seen the worst of it," Bill O'Grady of A.G. Edwards says.

The average U.S. price of a gallon of regular gasoline fell for the 11th consecutive day Monday, motor club AAA and the Oil Price Information Service said.

We eagerly await the spate of stories tying the milder than normal hurricane season to global warming....

Posted by Orrin Judd at August 22, 2006 8:43 AM

I was just thinking about how chilly it's been this August and how that must be a sign of glbal warming. July was record hot and August has been record cold. It's all so clear!
Also, the chickens have been sneaking through the electric fence and scratching up my newly-sown back lawn. I blame global warming in general and George W. Bush specifically.

Posted by: Bryan at August 22, 2006 9:53 AM

Almost all the weather people I have seen lately have been pumping the killer hurricane angle. I don't blame them - they go overboard all the time. The thing I don't like is Dems and others hoping for a big natural disaster because they think it will hurt Bush.

Posted by: AWW at August 22, 2006 10:02 AM

Great, just after I drove 3,200 miles to Florida and back.

Posted by: pchuck at August 22, 2006 10:19 AM

Karl Rove's weather machine is obviously being used this year to keep storms from forming in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, in order to boost Republican hopes in the fall election, while last year it was used to decimate minority neighborhoods, since there were no off-year elections to worry about.

(But when the first hurricane finally does form and looks to be targeting the U.S. mainland, it will receive media coverage ususally reserved for the newborns of Brad and Angelina or Tom and Katie, and if it does strike the mainland, the damage will be portrayed initially as roughly akin to a combination of Katrina, the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki -- and why isn't Bush doing anything about it?)

Posted by: John at August 22, 2006 11:00 AM

The killer storms are hitting China this year.

And South Africa had record cold about the time of the US heat wave a couple of weeks ago.

Rush did a great monologue two weeks ago about a breathless reporter urging hurricane Chris to metastasize into a monster storm.

Karl Rove is saving the weather machine for rain and snow on election day. Jesse Jackson will sue him for disenfranchising black voters.

Posted by: ratbert at August 22, 2006 11:05 AM

The Weather Channel needs a hurricane, and soon. Jim Cantore's Man Tan is looking a little too pale, from too much studio time.

Posted by: Brad S at August 22, 2006 11:20 AM