August 4, 2006

KEEPIN' IT REAL (via The Mother Judd):

Actors at American Girl Place Store Go on Strike (CAMPBELL ROBERTSON, 8/04/06, NY Times)

Fans of American Girl dolls have learned about the immigration experience and the woman’s suffrage debate. Now comes the next social history lesson: the labor movement.

After months of growing frustration with the management at the American Girl Place store in New York, 14 of the 18 actors at the store’s in-house theater went on strike yesterday. The dispute arose when these actors, who work in the store’s three productions — “American Girls Revue,” “Bitty Bear’s Matinee: The Family Tree” and the soon-to-open “Circle of Friends: An American Girl Musical” — began an effort to join Actors’ Equity Association.

Why not make it an interactive learning experience for the little girls: "See, we could pay these ladies far more than they're worth and hike the price of your dolly...."

Posted by Orrin Judd at August 4, 2006 11:01 AM

hike the price of your dolly...."

The dolly is already pretty expensive. Christmas 2004, we got a couple of American Girl for our girls. Those were the big ticket gifts for the each girl.

Posted by: pchuck at August 4, 2006 1:08 PM

Does anyone else hate it when actresses are called actors? The first time I saw it in print, I thought, whoa, is he/she/it really a man?

Posted by: erp at August 5, 2006 9:10 AM

Are you sure they weren't referring to "Julia" Roberts?

Posted by: oj at August 5, 2006 9:32 AM

Have you priced American Girl dolls? It's eighty-seven dollars (plus tax) for a single plastic doll with a paperback book. For us, that is pretty steep. Start the collection mania the company encourages and you're looking at thousands of dollars eventually.

Posted by: DeputyHeadmistress at August 5, 2006 12:10 PM

Add in the costs of supporting proabortion causes that American Girl has recently been criticized for supporting recently and you have yet another dispensible children's gift.

Posted by: Ray Clutts at August 5, 2006 6:52 PM