August 2, 2006


Sox standout Lowell: Castro killed my kin (Jeff Horrigan, 8/02/06, Boston Herald)

“My dad had to pack up his suitcase at 10 years old with his three brothers, who had nothing. And my mother was 11 years old and my grandfather, who’d been a dentist for 15 or 20 years, had to go back to school to be (politically) re-educated,” Lowell said.

“My cousins were political prisoners. My father-in-law was a political prisoner for 15 years because, at 19, they asked him if he agreed with communism and he said, ‘No,’ so they sentenced him to death. That’s not the way to live. I know it’s terrible to say, but I think of all of that and I hope he (Castro) passes away.

“I don’t care if he dies,” Lowell said. “There are so many people who have died because of him and there’s been so much wrongdoing and so many human rights violations that I hope he does die. That sounds bad, but it’s the truth.”

Lowell’s parents managed to leave Cuba and settled in Puerto Rico, where he was born in 1974. Even so, Cuba’s plight has always been a part of his life. “It’s a shame, but that country has been taken hostage for 40 years. It’s time for it to have a chance at being democratic,” Lowell said.

Lowell’s elation mirrored that of many Cuban-Americans upon hearing about Castro’s condition.

Posted by Orrin Judd at August 2, 2006 9:46 PM

That was my email btw. Forgot to add my nom de blogcommentator.

Posted by: Jim in Chicago at August 2, 2006 10:03 PM

Dan Le Batard of the Miami Herald, filling in for Tony Kornheiser on PTI today also gave props to Lowell for speaking out against Castro. Turns out Le Batard is South Florida Cuban too. Who knew?

Posted by: Jim in Chicago at August 2, 2006 11:45 PM

OT and for OJ via TaxProfBlog:

Looking for new ways to collect from some of the half-million suburbanites who drive into Boston each day, a city councilor is proposing a surcharge on those who cause accidents. An automatic charge of several hundred dollars levied on out-of-town motorists who are deemed by police to be at fault in accidents would defray costs of emergency services, under a proposal by Councilor Robert Consalvo to be submitted to the council today.

Posted by: Sandy P at August 3, 2006 12:19 AM

Finding a specific post on this blog is a nightmare.
Didn't you say, just last week, in reference to Saudi Arabia something like, "Slower is preferable if it's inevitable?" The fall of Communism in Cuba is about as inevitable as you can get, why aren't you in favor of slower, inevitable change there?

Posted by: Bryan at August 3, 2006 7:59 AM

The Sa'uds have the basis for a decent democracy and are evolving towards one. Authoritarian regimes do so regularly and successfully, though preferably slowly.

Cuba is a totalitarian state and needs forced regime change.

Posted by: oj at August 3, 2006 8:16 AM