August 28, 2006


'Gaza caught in anarchy and thuggery' (Khaled Abu Toameh, Aug. 28, 2006, THE JERUSALEM POST)

Dismissing Israel's responsibility for the growing state of anarchy and lawlessness in the Gaza Strip, [ Ghazi Hamad, spokesman for the Hamas-controlled Palestinian Authority,] said it was time for the Palestinians to embark on a soul-searching process to see where they erred.

"We're always afraid to talk about our mistakes," he added. "We're used to blaming our mistakes on others. What is the relationship between the chaos, anarchy, lawlessness, indiscriminate murders, theft of land, family rivalries, transgression on public lands and unorganized traffic and the occupation? We are still trapped by the mentality of conspiracy theories - one that has limited our capability to think."

Hamad admitted that the Palestinians have failed in developing the Gaza Strip following the Israeli withdrawal and in imposing law and order. He said about 500 Palestinians have been killed and 3,000 wounded since the Israeli pullout, in addition to the destruction of much of the infrastructure in the area.

By comparison, he said, only three or four Israelis have been killed by the rockets fired from the Gaza Strip over the same period.

"Some will argue that it's not a matter of profit or loss, but that this has an accumulating effect" he said. "This may be true. But isn't there a possibility of decreasing the number of casualties and increasing our gains by using our brains and making the proper calculations away from demagogic statements?"

The Hamas official said that while his government was unable to change the situation, the opposition was sitting on the side and watching and PA President Mahmoud Abbas was as weak as ever.

"We have all been attacked by the bacteria of stupidity," he remarked. "We have lost our sense of direction and we don't know where we're headed."

Hizbullah leader: we regret the two kidnappings that led to war with Israel (Rory McCarthy, August 28, 2006, Guardian)
Hizbullah last night admitted it would not have captured the two Israeli soldiers last month had it known a war would follow. [...]

"We did not think, even one percent, that the capture would lead to a war at this time and of this magnitude," Hassan Nasrallah, the cleric who leads Hizbullah, told Lebanon's New TV channel. "You ask me, if I had known on July 11 ... that the operation would lead to such a war, would I do it? I say no, absolutely not." He said Italy would play a part in negotiating the soldiers' eventual release. "Contacts recently began for negotiations," he said. "It seems that Italy is trying to get into the subject." From the start, Mr Nasrallah has said he wanted to exchange the soldiers for Lebanese and Palestinians held in Israel.

Textbook examples of how shifting increasing responsibility to Hezbollah and Hamas has made them answerable to their people.

Posted by Orrin Judd at August 28, 2006 7:42 AM

After they do their best to destroy them (i.e., "their people")....

It never ceases to amuse---or amaze---how much benefit of the doubt the Left, the Right and the Third Way enjoy giving to pathological (if exotic) killers, who just happen to be in leadership positions.

Posted by: Barry Meislin at August 29, 2006 4:02 AM