June 14, 2006
Airlines pummel Airbus over A380 delays (ANGELA CHARLTON, 6/14/06, Associated Press)
Airlines around the world punished Airbus on Wednesday for delays in the delivery of its A380 superjumbo, demanding compensation, reconsidering orders — and in one case, striking a major deal with its rival Boeing Co.Shares in Airbus' parent company crashed and Boeing's soared as repercussions of the production problems with the world's biggest passenger plane resonated throughout the industry.
They also raised questions about the European planemaker's management and strategy, and the future of the double-decker A380.
Would you fly Aeroflot? Posted by Orrin Judd at June 14, 2006 6:26 PM
The difference between market-led decisions making, and committee-led decisions making. One person, the CEO, ultimately must account for Boeing's decisions. A committe of breaucrats whose main goal is to grab a piece of work for their respective countries led to an incoherent monstrosity not responsive to market demands. A real bad decision by Boeing jeopardizes its existence. A bad decision by Airbus means more govt. subsidies.
Posted by: ic at June 14, 2006 6:40 PMGeronimo? The Apaches of Paris are a different tribe altogether.
As for the A380, remember that (perhaps apocryphal) story of the truly humongous chandelier manufactured in the USSR per a Gosplan requirement for 350 tons of glass crystal?
Posted by: ghostcat at June 14, 2006 6:43 PMI have, internationally it's serviced by Boeing.
Internally, Russian airlines did not inspire confidence when the hulks which are being scavaged for parts are lining the tarmac.
I KNEW I should have bot Boeing.
Posted by: Sandy P at June 14, 2006 7:52 PM