June 24, 2006
Corruption scandal hits Beijing Olympics (Richard Spencer, 24/06/2006, Daily Telegraph)
Beijing's preparations for the 2008 Olympics were plunged into turmoil yesterday as a corruption scandal threatened to engulf plans for the construction of venues for the Games.President Hu Jintao was reported to have taken personal charge of the corruption probe after a third senior official was called in for questioning.
Jin Yan, the deputy director of the city's Olympic venues construction office, was the latest official to be summoned away from his duties, according to Beijing-backed newspapers in Hong Kong. It is the first time that an official with the Beijing Olympic Committee has been targeted in the investigation.
The vice-mayor of Beijing in charge of urban planning has already been sacked, while it was confirmed this week that the chairman of Capital Land, the city's largest state-owned development company, was being questioned by officials.
Posted by Orrin Judd at June 24, 2006 10:57 AM
This is all a part of a vast right-wing neo-con conspiracy to undermine the integrity of the of the olympic movement and to tarnish the image of the people's paradise that is greater China!
Posted by: Jayson at June 24, 2006 1:02 PMMan! Is there nothing our little Chimpyhitler can't do?
Posted by: erp at June 24, 2006 1:49 PMAre we saying Olympic village/venues and earthquakes are not a good mix?
Posted by: Sandy P at June 24, 2006 1:59 PMNo doubt the Mayor's people here in Chicago are taking notes for their pending bid.
Posted by: Rick T. at June 24, 2006 3:11 PMPoor Chinese, they have much to learn from the masters. The way to fight corruption is easy: name all kickbacks campaign contributions, and pay offs earmarks. Presto, you have the "cleanest" govt. on earth.
Posted by: ic at June 24, 2006 3:19 PM