June 19, 2006
Power of Scottish MPs 'a threat to UK' (Toby Helm, 20/06/2006, Daily Telegraph)
Growing anger in England over the power that Scottish MPs wield at Westminster could destroy the 1998 devolution settlement, a powerful Commons committee said yesterday.The report by the Labour-dominated Scottish affairs committee makes grim reading for Gordon Brown by highlighting how a majority of people in the United Kingdom now oppose a Scot becoming prime minister.
The MPs say that the West Lothian Question - the anomaly giving Scottish MPs a say over English laws but English MPs no similar rights where power has been devolved - is a time bomb that urgently needs to be defused. "It is a matter of concern to us that English discontent is becoming apparent," they said.
Scotland is a nation--it oughtn't have any say in how Engalnd is governed & won't. Posted by Orrin Judd at June 19, 2006 10:30 PM
"the anomaly giving Scottish MPs a say over English laws" What's the big deal? The French have a say over English laws via the EU bureaucrats. The problems with the Brits are they dicker about inconsequential things while giving up their sovereignty to a bunch of bureaucrats in far away Brussel.
Posted by: ic at June 20, 2006 3:30 AMBring back the Heptarchy.
East Anglia shall rise again!
Posted by: Joseph Hertzlinger at June 20, 2006 11:40 AM