June 3, 2006
U.S. seen undermining limits on nuclear arms (Warren Hodge, New York Times, June 3rd, 2006)
Hans Blix, the former chief UN weapons inspector, says that American unwillingness to cooperate in international arms agreements is undermining efforts to curb nuclear weapons.Blix said Thursday that it was essential that Washington act to end what he called the stagnation of arms limitation. "If it takes the lead, the world is likely to follow," he said. "If it does not take the lead, there could be more nuclear tests and new nuclear arms races."
Blix, who left his arms inspection post in 2003 shortly after the invasion of Iraq, made his comments in the introduction to a report by an international commission financed by Sweden. The report was delivered Thursday to Secretary General Kofi Annan.
The panel, with Blix as chairman and members from more than a dozen countries, listed 60 recommendations for nuclear disarmament.
It concluded that treaty-based disarmament was being set back by "an increased U.S. skepticism regarding the effectiveness of international institutions and instruments, coupled with a drive for freedom of action to maintain an absolute global superiority in weaponry and means of their delivery."
Got it in one, Hans.
U.S. skepticism regarding the effectiveness of international institutions and instruments...
Yes, and that's reason enough. Blix is totally useless and has been for years.
Posted by: Tom Wall at June 3, 2006 6:17 PMIf Blix had any shame, he'd fade away permanently.
Posted by: erp at June 3, 2006 6:21 PMChain him to the fence at Natanz or Bushehr. Paint him with a laser. Say goodbye.
Posted by: jim hamlen at June 3, 2006 11:09 PM